Tag: sweet-paleo

  • Biweekly Update: 38 Weeks



    My official due date is only 12 days away! I’ve been pretty sick the past week and a half so I really haven’t been able to focus much on baby, solely on resting and trying to get better. It started like a normal cold (thanks Enzo or Joe!) and seemed to get better but then…

  • Biweekly Update: 36 Weeks



    Holy moly…four weeks until due date! I’ve been trying to finalize all last minute prep items as much as possible (getting remaining baby items, freezer meals, postpartum prep) and trying not to freak out too much about how soon baby will be here. I think we are just about done prepping freezer meals which hopefully…

  • Biweekly Update: 34 Weeks



    I’m going to be saying this from here on out, but I can’t believe how close baby’s due date is! I can now say that my baby is due next month (March) which is insane. The biggest thing I’ve been thinking about/planning for over the past couple of weeks is my postpartum plan. With Enzo…

  • Biweekly Update: 32 Weeks



    It’s getting real folks…baby will be here before we know it! I’ve started gathering all the supplies I need for my home birth (per my midwife’s instructions) and have a refresher birthing class coming up in a few weeks. Yikes! How far along: 32 weeks Size of baby: Honeydew melon Gender: Still leaning girl. Movement:…

  • Pesto Beef & Veggie Noddles

    It’s been a really long time since I posted a recipe on here! I’ve been addicted to these Austin-based veggie noodles and couldn’t help but try and make a recipe for the blog. They are super easy to use and fairly inexpensive. I haven’t bought my own spiralizer yet and so these noodles are my…

  • Biweekly Update: 30 Weeks



    How far along: 30 weeks Size of baby: Large cabbage Gender: So hard not knowing still! Movement: Movements are getting a little more uncomfortable now especially when baby is turning around in there. He/she likes to jab me in the right hip bone and towards my right ribs. Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well though my…

  • Biweekly Update: 28 Weeks



    I’m so glad to be in Austin and settled for at least a little bit. This past weekend was the first time our little family was here all together in over a month. It was so nice! I’m also looking forward to celebrating Christmas here and having family visit instead of having to travel again.…

  • Biweekly Update: 26 Weeks



    This week has been just about as crazy as the last few. Joe’s grandpa unfortunately passed away and he went to Omaha for the funeral this weekend. I wish I could be there with him but it’s just wasn’t feasible for us right now with all the traveling we’ve been doing. Enzo also caught a…

  • What I Ate Today: Second Trimester

    Now that I’m well into my second trimester food has been tasting really good (except for the few days here and there where I have crazy heartburn or other stomach issues). Below is an example of what I ate in one day. Hoping it helps others if you’re in a rut and need new meal…

  • Biweekly Update: 24 Weeks



    The past couple weeks have been a little insane. To not go into the whole story, Joe’s Dad went into the hospital a week before Thanksgiving because his heart was infected from a previous surgery. The family has been through numerous ups and downs (from being told there was nothing they could do, to trying…

  • Biweekly Update: 22 Weeks



    How far along: 22 weeks Size of baby: Grapefruit Gender: ?? Movement: Still pretty sporadic. Some days I feel baby lots, others, not as much. Movement has woke me up in the middle of the night a few times which I don’t really remember experiencing with Enzo. Sleep: I have been passing out every night.…

  • Biweekly Update: 20 Weeks



    How far along: 20 weeks Size of baby: Banana Gender: Still leaning towards girl. Movement: Getting more stronger movements throughout the day but usually in the morning or at night. When I’m busy running around, I tend to not feel anything. Then once I sit down and relax, baby starts kicking things up a notch.…