What Dad Wants You To Know About Religion and Faith

God is good. I like to analyze just about everything and one thing that I can not get over is that I believe there has to be an absolute “good”. Everybody has a different definition of good. Most people could agree that stealing is bad, but what if I’m stealing food from a wealthy family to feed a child that is about to die? Am I good or am I bad? I believe that there are some people that would answer that I am bad because I stole and some that would answer that I am good because I did it out of need and it’s not really impacting the wealthy family.

Taking that example, I have to believe that there is someone of a higher nature that sees that deed and would declare it good or bad. Likewise, when I look at the beauty of this world, I have to believe that this was not at all a random act, that the way that things are so intertwined and dependent on each other, that something must be in control over it. And when I examine the Bible and the magnificence of every detail, I find what I deem to be a historical, factual document and was written by people close to or had direct contact with Jesus. Outside of the Bible, there are other documents that also support that Jesus was a real person.

There will ALWAYS be someone saying that the Bible isn’t real and is made up. In many parts of the world they block access to the Bible and persecute missionaries that talk about the gospels.

When I look at other religions, ……

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