Author: Mom

  • Leonardo Paul Pattavina’s Birth Story

    Leonardo Paul Pattavina’s Birth Story



    Leo is almost 10 months old and I’m finally getting around to writing his birth story. It’s been on my mind this whole time, I just never sat down to write my words. Between adjusting to having another baby and moving across the country, I kept putting it off. I guess that’s what happens when…

  • Why Vegan?

    At the end of June this year, Joe happened to bring home a kid’s cookbook from the library that unknowingly was vegan. Enzo and I started going through it, making things in the cookbook and reading the facts and information that were spread throughout the book. Prior to this, we’ve been eating a mostly Paleo…

  • God’s Ways Are Better Than Mine

    It’s been about seven months since I’ve written a post on the blog and honestly, life has just gotten to a point that I thought I was done with it. But tonight as I read through my devotional, New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp, I felt that I needed to share what God was…

  • What I Ate Today: Vegan & Breastfeeding

    Below is an example of what I ate as a vegan breastfeeding mama. I try to stick to whole vegan foods as much as I can throughout the day to keep me fueled and full. I hope this gives you some food inspiration! For breakfast, I had a big bowl of fruit that included a…

  • Sienna: 3 Month Update

    Sienna: 3 Month Update



    Three months down! A little late but better than never. 🙂 Sleep – When I started writing this post right at 3 months we were struggling so much with sleep. She was doing “okay” right before but there were weeks that had been really rough. We had multiple night wakings (some nights 4!) And naps had…

  • Meal Prepping Tips and Healthy Vegan Recipes

    Meal Prepping Tips and Healthy Vegan Recipes

    I’ve been vegan off and on for over two years. Lately, I’ve been back to full veganism minus some pasture-raised eggs occasionally. Right before I got pregnant with Sienna, I tried eating some meat again and really wasn’t a fan. During the first trimester of my pregnancy, I had a lot of bad nausea and…

  • Sienna: 2 Month Update

    Sienna: 2 Month Update



    Another month gone by with baby Sienna! Sleep – Still in the midst of sleep deprivation for sure! She typically goes a 3-6 hour stretch for her first sleep at night (4.5 hours is her typical, but it can start as early at 7 pm) and then eats one more time before being up for the…

  • Sienna: 1 Month Update

    Sienna: 1 Month Update



    I’m going to do my best to keep up with Sienna’s monthly updates on the blog but definitely no promises! Sleep – Newborn sleep is really sporadic and it’s hard not knowing what you’re going to get each day and night. We have some really good sleep days where she takes good naps, goes down easily…

  • Sienna’s Birth Story

    Sienna’s Birth Story



    Sienna Lee Pattavina joined our family on Monday, July 22 2019 at 9:13 am. just one day before my due date. She weighed 7 lb 10 oz and was 20 inches long (our biggest baby!). A few days before my due date, Joe’s parents came into town to start helping with the kids and planned…

  • Light of the World

    Light of the World

    Below is a story that Joe wrote a few years ago about the blind man who was healed by Jesus. Joe had imagined and wrote about what that man might have felt while witnessing Jesus’ Crucifixion. “As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this…

  • Miss Emilia – 18 Month Update Plus Life News!

    Miss Emilia – 18 Month Update Plus Life News!



    It’s been quite a while since I did an update on the blog. Things have been pretty hectic in the Pattavina household and I just haven’t had time to sit down and share. We closed on our new home in Austin at the beginning of September and moved in last weekend. It was a long…

  • What I Ate Today: Elimination Diet

    What I Ate Today: Elimination Diet

    As I mentioned in a previous post I was completing an elimination diet in hopes of discovering any obvious food sensitivities that were causing digestive upset, fatigue and allergy symptoms. I eliminated soy, wheat, corn, nuts, citrus, yeast, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine and nightshade vegetables. The diet also eliminates dairy, eggs, pork and beef but I…