What We Want You To Know About Health

We believe that taking care of yourself, both mentally and physically will allow you to serve God better, therefore, your health should be considered extremely important. There are things that you can control, like what you eat, how much you exercise, how much you are open with others, taking rest, as well as seeking outside assistance when necessary.

What goes into your body, whether it’s through the eyes, the ears, the mouth, or the nose, can lead to a very dark world, or can lead to joy and satisfaction. As you may know, dad suffered with pornography for many years which left an ever present scar on me.

Likewise, as you may well know, mom suffered with bulimia which contributed to mental health struggles. Stressing the importance that whatever goes into your body may very well lead to very serious medical conditions.

We both thank God for dragging us out of those dark times and into a much healthier state of being. And God used those experiences throughout our early adulthood to connect and help others that were going through similar issues.

We also believe that there is a time and a need for doctors and therapists. God gave these people incredible abilities to help others. They should be used when you feel that God is leading you in that direction.

Now there will obviously be health situations that are mostly out of your control, for example, your dad had shingles, broken bones, a concussion, kidney stones, and a slew of other issues while your mom suffered from depression and gastrointestinal pain for most of her life which led her to try numerous diets.

In those times, it is ever more important to pray and continue to lean on friends and family that are willing to help. Our prayer for you is that you remain healthy, but when our bodies fail, that you will be reminded that this life is temporary and that our permanent homes are in heaven.

Continue reading about mom’s experience with different diets …

Or check out some of our favorite recipes …