Category: Health & Wellness

  • Gourmet Saturday (Gourmaturday) Breakfast Recipes

    It all started when I realized I was eating the same thing for breakfast every day. I wanted to spice things up a little, try something new. Saturday seemed like a good morning to try it and it turned into a family tradition. Title Link/Recipe Dad Rank Mom Rank Enzo Rank Emilia Rank Cinnamon Roll…

  • Educating in a Pandemic

    Life is hard, especially when making decisions that could impact you, your family, or others in drastic ways. The pandemic has put a twist on just about everything we took for granted. From going grocery shopping, athletic events, church, and probably worst of all, school. To have to make a decision to withhold a child…

  • Why Vegan?

    At the end of June this year, Joe happened to bring home a kid’s cookbook from the library that unknowingly was vegan. Enzo and I started going through it, making things in the cookbook and reading the facts and information that were spread throughout the book. Prior to this, we’ve been eating a mostly Paleo…

  • What I Ate Today: Vegan & Breastfeeding

    Below is an example of what I ate as a vegan breastfeeding mama. I try to stick to whole vegan foods as much as I can throughout the day to keep me fueled and full. I hope this gives you some food inspiration! For breakfast, I had a big bowl of fruit that included a…

  • Meal Prepping Tips and Healthy Vegan Recipes

    Meal Prepping Tips and Healthy Vegan Recipes

    I’ve been vegan off and on for over two years. Lately, I’ve been back to full veganism minus some pasture-raised eggs occasionally. Right before I got pregnant with Sienna, I tried eating some meat again and really wasn’t a fan. During the first trimester of my pregnancy, I had a lot of bad nausea and…

  • What I Ate Today: Elimination Diet

    What I Ate Today: Elimination Diet

    As I mentioned in a previous post I was completing an elimination diet in hopes of discovering any obvious food sensitivities that were causing digestive upset, fatigue and allergy symptoms. I eliminated soy, wheat, corn, nuts, citrus, yeast, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine and nightshade vegetables. The diet also eliminates dairy, eggs, pork and beef but I…

  • One Year Vegan! Plus Life Update

    One Year Vegan! Plus Life Update

    I’ve officially been vegan for a full year. It honestly has flown and I’m very grateful for what I’ve learned over the past year eating this way. I’ve been learning a lot about my body and what foods it tolerates well and which ones it doesn’t. I’ve started cooking with new ingredients such as nutritional…

  • Loaded Vegan Nachos

    Another amazing vegan meal that is traditionally loaded with meat and lots of dairy. You will not miss either when you make these loaded nachos! We were supposed to go visit friends this weekend in Dallas but Emilia got some nasty bug, either just a cold or croup, and we weren’t able to go. It…

  • How Our Food Choices Affect Climate Change

    How Our Food Choices Affect Climate Change

    I have not researched climate change much. I read articles here and there and am generally aware of it but it never really was something I was passionate about. Since becoming vegan, it has been on my radar more. Learning about how the animal agriculture greatly affects climate change and other negative environmental impacts (such…

  • What You Eat Matters

    What You Eat Matters

    I’ve seen a handful of vegan documentaries including What the Health, Forks Over Knives and Vegucated. I recently watched H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters and it is easily the best one I’ve seen. It is very thought out and well done. It’s not in your face or judgmental or scary like some documentaries might be.…

  • Why I Don’t Eat Eggs or Poultry

    Why I Don’t Eat Eggs or Poultry

    This is the first real post since starting our new blog in which I address a specific product within the animal agriculture industry. When I first started learning about veganism, one of the saddest facts that I came across was the treatment of baby chicks (males in general) within the egg and poultry industry. When…

  • What I Ate Today – 7 Months Vegan!

    What I Ate Today – 7 Months Vegan!

    Seven months vegan and going strong! I told Joe the other day that he was the second best decision I ever made. First is accepting Jesus into my life and the third…choosing to go vegan. I honestly think my entire health/eating journey has led up to this point and I’m so happy with the choice…