Tag: paleo

  • Banana Berry Smoothie

    Banana Berry Smoothie

    I promised a recipe last week and I had all intentions to post one. However, we visited The Woodlands, TX and I completely forgot my camera at home that had all my photos…so here it is, a little delayed. Since moving to Texas I have been obsessed with fruit smoothies. Probably has to do with…

  • Paleo Road Tripping and a New City!

    Both Joe and I are officially moved to Austin! So far we’ve had fun exploring the city and trying lots and lots of food. I mean really…lots of food. Some Paleo…some not so Paleo. But I need to experience it all right? I’ll get into some of the awesome places we’ve tried so far but…

  • Any Meat and Veggie Scramble

    Any Meat and Veggie Scramble

    Joe left for Austin yesterday and made the 13 hour trip alone in one piece (thank the Lord!). He’s settling into our summer rental and already planning on going to the farmer’s market this morning…he is really going without me! I’m a little in shock still. I made  him promise he would cook at least…

  • Italian Burgers

    Italian Burgers

    I officially move to Austin in two weeks! And Joe is leaving in a week. I still think I’m a little bit in shock but it’s all starting to feel very real. We pack up all of our belongings into a POD tomorrow and are slowly starting to say goodbye to family and friends. I’m…

  • Beer-Marinated Steak Fajitas

    Beer-Marinated Steak Fajitas

    I know I’m pretty behind in my posts. I’m adding a Cinco de Mayo recipe a week late… Joe and I have been pretty busy over the last week or so. He just accepted a job in Austin, TX and we made the decision to leave Omaha and head down at the end of this…

  • Meal Planning Paleo-Style

    One of the most important things to help me stick to the Paleo diet is to meal plan. I take an hour or two out of my week (usually Thursday night) to plan out my meals for the next week. This helps get me excited about cooking, trying new recipes and ensures that I always…

  • Chicken Salad with Prosciutto, Caramelized Peaches & Zucchini

    Chicken Salad with Prosciutto, Caramelized Peaches & Zucchini

    Is spring finally here yet? It has been so cold in Nebraska…I mean it honestly snowed and we are almost through April. Really?? This weekend we are finally going to get some warmer weather and I am so excited to finally get outside. I’m most looking forward to riding my bike again. Last weekend Joe…

  • Portabella Chicken, Bacon & Pesto Sammies

    Portabella Chicken, Bacon & Pesto Sammies

    The 21-Day Sugar Detox is officially over! Friday was my last day on the detox and I can honestly say I made it the whole 21 days without any slip ups or detours. It was not easy at times, but it definitely became easier as the weeks went on. It was actually weird to go…

  • Sausage & Veggie Hash with Poached Eggs

    Sausage & Veggie Hash with Poached Eggs

    Only 4 more days left in the 21 Day Sugar Detox!!! There are sweet potatoes somewhere out there just calling my name I know it! I’m already working on my meal plan for next week. 🙂 As hard as it has been at times, I really have been feeling good and I’m planning on doing…

  • Spaghetti Squash with Fire-Roasted Tomato Sauce

    Spaghetti Squash with Fire-Roasted Tomato Sauce

    It is officially Day 8 of the 21-Day Sugar Detox! The first few days were a little rough and I felt like I could never quite get satisfied or full with anything I ate. I was also exhausted and had a bit of a headache. But I’ve been feeling a lot better now. I never…

  • 21 Day Sugar Detox and Steak with Raspberry & Blue Cheese Sauce

    21 Day Sugar Detox and Steak with Raspberry & Blue Cheese Sauce

    Sugar detox and a recipe with blue cheese and raspberries don’t really go together, but that’s just too bad. I am currently on Day 1 Level 3 of the 21-Day Sugar Detox. Level 3 is for those who already follow a Paleo/Primal diet. The purpose of this detox is two-fold: 1.) I really feel like…

  • Asparagus & Ham Frittata

    Asparagus & Ham Frittata

    While Joe and I were in Austin, I had two different frittatas  (check out the posts here and here) and was determined to make a recipe at home. I’ve always been scared to make one because for some reason taking a pan on the stove and putting it in the oven seemed hard. Really I’m not…