Tag: paleo

  • Prosciutto, Potato and Spinach Frittata

    Prosciutto, Potato and Spinach Frittata

    Frittatas are one of my favorite dishes to make. They are so easy and you can incorporate any meat, veggie or cheese (if you want). They are fairly quick to make, especially if you have the ingredients prepped. And they make for a great breakfast, lunch or dinner! I’ve posted a few frittata recipes here and…

  • Valentine’s Day Treat – Strawberry Dark Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream

    Valentine’s Day Treat – Strawberry Dark Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream

    Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all are having a great week and will do something fun to celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday, whether it’s going out to a nice restaurant or just relaxing with a delicious home-cooked meal. Joe and I are probably going to end up at our favorite coffeeshop, Cherrywood Coffeehouse, for some…

  • FastPaleo Top 100 of 2013!!

    FastPaleo Top 100 of 2013!!

    Thanks to all of you dedicated Sweet Paleo followers, three of my recipes have made it into the FastPaleo Top 100 of 2013 cookbook!!!! I’m so excited to be a part of an awesome collection of Paleo recipes. You get 100 delicious Paleo recipes for only $14.97 and it’s a $40 value! This is the…

  • Baked Spaghetti and Meat Sauce

    Baked Spaghetti and Meat Sauce

    Hey all! It’s been quite a while since I posted an actual recipe so I decided to take a break from my “goal” posts and give you something tasty to munch on. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I started incorporating gluten-free grains from time to time into my diet. For this recipe I used…

  • 2014 Goals: #1 New Diet

    2014 Goals: #1 New Diet

    Happy 2014!! I hope your new year has gotten off to a great and healthy start. I like to take time at the beginning of the year to reflect on the year before and also look forward to the year to come. I do not believe in making New Year’s resolutions, but I think it’s…

  • Leftover Turkey, Sweet Potato and Bacon Hash

    Leftover Turkey, Sweet Potato and Bacon Hash

    I can’t believe Thanksgiving has already come and gone and we are only less than three weeks away from Christmas. It is going to fly by! We had an awesome Thanksgiving. I was pretty impressed with my own planning abilities and created a stress-free Thanksgiving day by cooking most of my dishes ahead of time.…

  • What I Ate Today

    What I Ate Today

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you truly have a blessed day with family and friends and are able to enjoy some delicious food (Paleo or not!). I can honestly say that everything I’m making will be 100% Paleo/Primal. Very excited about that. 🙂 I have a quick “What I Ate Today”  post for you. I hope…

  • Curried Pork, Squash and Kale Frittata

    Curried Pork, Squash and Kale Frittata

    I am finally starting to feel better and can eat pretty much all my Paleo favs again…including avocados. Yeah! Joe and I have been super busy the last couple of weeks from hosting friends, busy work schedules, friends/family in town, kickball and neighborhood parties. We went to a “Friendsgiving” neighborhood party this week that was so…

  • Sweet Potato and Apple Mash

    Sweet Potato and Apple Mash

    This week feels like it is truly dragging. It’s only Wednesday as I write this and the weekend feels like a million miles away. I just started taking a new prescription a few weeks ago (long story I may share at some point) and it has been making me feel awful. I’ve had off and…

  • Mango Coconut Ice Cream

    Mango Coconut Ice Cream

    Ice cream is pretty much a staple in our house. We don’t eat it every day but it’s nice to have it waiting in the freezer for when those cravings strike. I started making ice cream at home before eating Paleo and used a base of heavy cream, milk and sugar. Now I’ve found an…

  • Harvest Chicken and Vegetable Salad

    Harvest Chicken and Vegetable Salad

    It’s FINALLY starting to feel like Fall in Austin. Even though Halloween is here and gone, I just haven’t felt like it’s truly Fall yet with temperatures still in the 80’s. Luckily, we did visit Kansas City a few weeks ago with my family and enjoyed some cooler temperatures. When it’s 60 degrees in December…

  • Pumpkin Spice Latte

    Pumpkin Spice Latte

    I am absolutely in love with Fall…along with pretty much everyone else. I get very nostalgic around this time and start missing home. Autumn-inspired foods always bring me comfort. If only it were a little bit cooler, I’d start making my beef and butternut squash stew! But here in Austin some days it still feels like summer.…