Tag: paleo meal plan

  • What I Ate Today – Weekend Cooking

    I haven’t done one of these posts in a really long time. I always start the day with the intentions of taking photos of my meals and usually forget after breakfast. I did pretty good this time minus my snacks… Breakfast – two fried eggs on top of leftover roasted sweet potatoes and zucchini with…

  • Post-Baby Freezer Meals Update

    Post-Baby Freezer Meals Update

    Now less than 2 weeks away from our baby’s due date, I think I may be done stocking up the freezer. It’s pretty full and my energy is starting to slowly diminish. It’s been a battle just keeping up with regular cooking, let alone additional cooking. I feel pretty good about what we have stocked…

  • Post-Baby Freezer Meals

    Now that I’ve hit the 30 week mark (what??!!) I’ve gotten serious about planning out some meals I can prep and put in the freezer for when Thing 3 makes his debut. My goal is to make 2-3 meals each week, label with the date and instructions, and freeze. I feel like this will make…

  • What I Ate Today

    What I Ate Today

    Time for another fabulous “What I Ate Today” post! Entering the third trimester and I’m still feeling good physically and able to eat pretty healthy the majority of the time. My willpower is slowly becoming what it once was before pregnancy which is nice. Breakfast was two fried eggs with hot sauce, avocado, strawberries and…

  • Paleo Weekly Meal Planning

    Paleo Weekly Meal Planning

    I’m a super planner when it comes to most everything in my life (maybe a little too much) and when it comes to meal planning, I make no exceptions. It’s so important for me to have a plan in place, make one trip to the Farmer’s Market and one to the grocery store on Saturday…

  • What I Ate Today

    What I Ate Today

    I have another day in the life of eating mostly Paleo/Primal for you on a weekday! I’ve been eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of the typical three square meals and just trying to listen to my body. When I’m hungry, I eat, plain and simple. No matter what time of day. I hope this…

  • What I Ate Today

    What I Ate Today

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you truly have a blessed day with family and friends and are able to enjoy some delicious food (Paleo or not!). I can honestly say that everything I’m making will be 100% Paleo/Primal. Very excited about that. 🙂 I have a quick “What I Ate Today”  post for you. I hope…

  • Meal Planning Paleo-Style

    One of the most important things to help me stick to the Paleo diet is to meal plan. I take an hour or two out of my week (usually Thursday night) to plan out my meals for the next week. This helps get me excited about cooking, trying new recipes and ensures that I always…