Tag: paleo baby

  • Baby Enzo: 16 Month Update

    Baby Enzo: 16 Month Update



    Wow – it’s been 4 months since I’ve updated on little Enzo. A lot has changed over the past few months and he’s growing like crazy! Enjoys: walking around especially if he can carry things or kick a ball around, being outside as much as possible, eating a lot (and honestly it’s a lot!) and basketball.…

  • Baby Enzo: 10 Month Update

    Baby Enzo: 10 Month Update



    Enjoys: crawling everywhere, trying to climb on things though he’s not that great at it, pretty much all food right now even veggies!, attempting to feed himself with a fork, and the puppies. Milestones: he is officially crawling and is all over the place. We have to watch him like a hawk because he’s pretty quick. He…

  • What I Ate Today: Baby Eats!

    Now that Enzo is about 9 1/2 months old he’s been eating 3 meals a day. I’m trying to incorporate as many nutrients as I can throughout the day. Also, Enzo’s iron was low (about a point below what they like to see) so I’m trying to include iron-rich foods along with vitamin C foods…

  • Baby Enzo: 5 Month Update

    Baby Enzo: 5 Month Update



    I have not been doing very well at keeping up with monthly updates for Enzo! I cannot believe he’s already 5 months old. It’s crazy how fast time is going and I can imagine that it will continue to do so. Now that we are out of the newborn stage I feel like both Joe…

  • First Trimester Experiences: Symptoms

    First Trimester Experiences: Symptoms



    The first trimester has brought many ups and downs for us (mostly me). At about 5 ½ weeks pregnant I was still having some significant cramping and also some light spotting. My doctor ordered an immediate ultrasound to eliminate the possibilities of a tubal pregnancy or the embryo attaching anywhere else except the uterus. The…

  • How I Found Out I was Pregnant

    How I Found Out I was Pregnant



    As I mentioned previously, I had been charting my cycles for about six months by taking my waking temperature and tracking my cervical fluid. Based on my charting, specifically my temperatures, I had not ovulated. I never had a significant rise in temperature that usually signifies ovulation. Enter January 1, 2014. What a great way…

  • It’s a Baby!

    It’s a Baby!



    Joe and I are beyond excited to announce that we are having a baby! Our lives will be drastically different come the end of September when we will welcome this little bundle of joy into the world. I’m currently about 14 weeks pregnant and can say that I am thrilled to be past the first…