Tag: health third trimester

  • Biweekly Update: 38 Weeks

    Biweekly Update: 38 Weeks



    Well technically I’m almost 39 weeks at this point. I can’t believe my due date is eight days away! I know it’s just an estimated date and that truly he could come up to two weeks after but it’s been fun counting down the weeks until this day arrives. We’re planning on having a “due…

  • Biweekly Update: 36 Weeks

    Biweekly Update: 36 Weeks



    I’m technically at 37 weeks today as I write this but we’ll just say I’m 36 weeks for this post. I’ll take the extra time. 🙂 It’s so weird thinking that baby could really be here any day or he could take his sweet time and decide not to show for another 5 weeks. At…

  • Biweekly Update: 34 Weeks

    Biweekly Update: 34 Weeks



    Okay 6 weeks left really? This is absolutely nuts. Honestly, Thing 3 could arrive anywhere from 2 weeks before to 2 weeks after our due date so really we are more in a range of 4-8 weeks. I’m thinking 4 is way too short so hopefully he’ll hang on til the end! Big thing this…

  • Biweekly Update: 32 Weeks

    Biweekly Update: 32 Weeks



    Less than eight weeks to go until due date! Quick update on how Thing 3 and I are doing. Big thing of the week:  I think we found a daycare that will take our little boy part-time! We have been doing lots of research and it’s been hard to find a decent center that is close…

  • Biweekly Update: 30 Weeks

    Biweekly Update: 30 Weeks



    We are officially in the homestretch! I’ve started a countdown on our chalkboard at home and it’s really surreal to see the number of weeks left slowly creep down. We have almost exactly 2 months to go as I write this and it just seems impossible! How far along: 30 weeks Maternity clothes: Either wearing maternity clothes…

  • Biweekly Update: 28 Weeks

    Biweekly Update: 28 Weeks



    Time for another update. The third trimester is in full swing and I’m feeling much of the same. I did have some sharp lower abdominal pain on my right side 3 days in a row this week. I’m pretty sure it’s round ligament pain. It only lasted maybe 5-10 minutes each time but if it…

  • Biweekly Update: 26 Weeks…2/3 of the Way!

    Biweekly Update: 26 Weeks…2/3 of the Way!



    Whoa…according to most sources I am technically in my third trimester starting next week which means Thing 3 is 2/3 of the way cooked! I will probably say this every update, but I can’t believe how fast time is flying by. I feel like Joe and I have been keeping pretty busy with friends, spending…