Tag: Baby Talk

  • Baby Enzo: 10 Month Update

    Baby Enzo: 10 Month Update



    Enjoys: crawling everywhere, trying to climb on things though he’s not that great at it, pretty much all food right now even veggies!, attempting to feed himself with a fork, and the puppies. Milestones: he is officially crawling and is all over the place. We have to watch him like a hawk because he’s pretty quick. He…

  • What I Ate Today: Baby Eats!

    Now that Enzo is about 9 1/2 months old he’s been eating 3 meals a day. I’m trying to incorporate as many nutrients as I can throughout the day. Also, Enzo’s iron was low (about a point below what they like to see) so I’m trying to include iron-rich foods along with vitamin C foods…

  • Baby Enzo: 9 Month Update

    Baby Enzo: 9 Month Update



    Another month has flown by! Baby boy is now 9 months old! As Joe said the other day, he’s entering into his fourth trimester… Enjoys: rolling and manuevering all over the floor in the upstairs game room, the puppies, still saying “da-da” for everything (no “ma-ma” yet!), any and every kind of fruit, other babies and…

  • Baby Enzo: 8 Month Update

    Baby Enzo: 8 Month Update



    Can’t believe it’s time for another post! Enzo is getting so big and it’s fun watching him grow and change every day. Enjoys: bouncing, baby food pouches (just bought some reusable ones so I can make my own at home), saying “da da” (though I don’t think he knows what it means), using the sign language…

  • Baby Enzo: 7 Month Update

    Baby Enzo: 7 Month Update



    Technically Mr. Enzo is about 7 1/2 months old but better late than never on posting! Enjoys: sleeping on his belly (just started this week!), bouncing in his jumper, chewing on everything and screaming (happy screams not bad ones). Nicknames: Bum Bum (I think this started because his cloth diapers make his bum look so huge!),…

  • Slow Cooker Whole Chicken

    Slow Cooker Whole Chicken

    I’m not really sure this even counts as a recipe, more of an idea. I love using the slow cooker especially during the week on days that I work in the office. The only issue is planning ahead and making sure your ingredients are thawed and ready to go so you don’t have to worry…

  • Baby Enzo: 6 Month Update

    Baby Enzo: 6 Month Update



    Wow…half a year! This last month has flown by. It’s so hard to imagine that in six more months Enzo will be a year old. I can’t even picture him that big. He’s changing so much every day. It’s hard to keep up! Enjoys: trying to roll from back to tummy but getting stuck on…

  • Baby Enzo: 5 Month Update

    Baby Enzo: 5 Month Update



    I have not been doing very well at keeping up with monthly updates for Enzo! I cannot believe he’s already 5 months old. It’s crazy how fast time is going and I can imagine that it will continue to do so. Now that we are out of the newborn stage I feel like both Joe…

  • Dealing with Postpartum Depression

    Dealing with Postpartum Depression



    This post is really difficult for me to write. There are some things that are so personal to me that it’s really difficult to share. Things that I feel truly ashamed of. Dealing with postpartum depression over the past three months has been one of those things. I’ve tried suppressing it, I’ve tried ignoring it,…

  • Chicken, Butternut Squash and Cherry Salad

    Chicken, Butternut Squash and Cherry Salad

    It has been way too long since I posted a new recipe. Baby Enzo has definitely kept me and Joe very busy. Things do seem to be slowing down and I’ve been able to cook a little more than I did in the beginning. Joe and I usually tag team dinner depending on his sleeping…

  • Baby Enzo: 2 Months Update

    Baby Enzo: 2 Months Update



    I cannot believe it’s already been two months since little Enzo was born. These last two months have had their share of many ups and downs and I hope we are on the other side of the rough patch now. Things have been slowly getting better and I’m very thankful for that. Little Enzo is…

  • Breastfeeding: Natural but Not Easy

    Breastfeeding: Natural but Not Easy



    I can’t believe it’s almost been one month since little Enzo was born. These last few weeks haven’t been easy to say the least. Enzo is a great baby (though we had some sleep issues in the beginning). We are starting to truly figure him out and he’s getting more interactive with us which is…