Tag: Baby Talk

  • Biweekly Update: 24 Weeks



    The past couple weeks have been a little insane. To not go into the whole story, Joe’s Dad went into the hospital a week before Thanksgiving because his heart was infected from a previous surgery. The family has been through numerous ups and downs (from being told there was nothing they could do, to trying…

  • Biweekly Update: 22 Weeks



    How far along: 22 weeks Size of baby: Grapefruit Gender: ?? Movement: Still pretty sporadic. Some days I feel baby lots, others, not as much. Movement has woke me up in the middle of the night a few times which I don’t really remember experiencing with Enzo. Sleep: I have been passing out every night.…

  • Biweekly Update: 20 Weeks



    How far along: 20 weeks Size of baby: Banana Gender: Still leaning towards girl. Movement: Getting more stronger movements throughout the day but usually in the morning or at night. When I’m busy running around, I tend to not feel anything. Then once I sit down and relax, baby starts kicking things up a notch.…

  • Biweekly Update: 18 Weeks



    The last couple of weeks have been a little crazy. Joe’s dad is currently in the hospital. Won’t go into all the details right now but prayers for his healing are needed and appreciated. We drove up to Springfield, MO where he is and have been trying to help out as much as possible. Though…

  • Biweekly Update: 16 Weeks



    Some people sounded interested so I’m going to try and keep up with biweekly posts for this pregnancy like I did with Enzo. Check it out below! How far along: 16 weeks Maternity clothes: A few things but mostly wearing longer shirts, yoga pants and using the hair tie method on my pants and shorts…

  • Pregnancy After Loss



    As I sit here and think about being pregnant after experiencing a loss, I’m struggling with how to even begin. After losing our baby at 11 weeks in April of this year, initially I wanted to get pregnant right away. I thought it would help relieve some of the pain and help me move on…

  • Our Recent Pregnancy Loss



    Not many people know that Joe and I recently suffered a miscarriage. I found out right around Valentine’s Day this year that we were expecting our second baby. We were nervous but excited to welcome another little one into our home. Only to find out at our 11 week appointment that our baby had no…

  • Baby Enzo: 16 Month Update

    Baby Enzo: 16 Month Update



    Wow – it’s been 4 months since I’ve updated on little Enzo. A lot has changed over the past few months and he’s growing like crazy! Enjoys: walking around especially if he can carry things or kick a ball around, being outside as much as possible, eating a lot (and honestly it’s a lot!) and basketball.…

  • Goals for the New Year – Including More Posts!

    I have not been doing well with writing posts this year, especially the last couple of months. I felt like I really didn’t have much to say and I have not been creating many new recipes at home. We’ve been sticking to pretty simple things (meat, roasted veggies and quinoa) or I’ve been trying out…

  • Baby Enzo: 12 Month Update



    I’m a little late but here’s Enzo’s one year update! I can’t believe we’re past the one year mark. Insane how fast time is truly flying by. Enjoys: crawling at lightening speed, pulling to stand on everything, throwing food and toys (not my fav), and getting into the kitchen cupboards. Dislikes: brushing his teeth, getting licked…

  • Reflection on My Postpartum Depression

    Reflection on My Postpartum Depression



    Now that Enzo is almost a year old, I’ve been flooded with so many emotions about what I experienced and went through almost a year ago. It can be crippling to take myself back to those dark places that I was in and it can be hard to remember those times. But it always reminds…

  • Baby Enzo: 11 Month Update



    One more month until we have a one year old on our hands? Seriously pinch me! Enjoys: crawling like crazy, pulling up to stand on anything he can, climbing the stairs (when we let him), swinging and trying to play in the dog’s water. Milestones: no walking but a crazy crawler. He is pulling up to stand on…