Tag: 36 weeks pregnant

  • Biweekly Update: 36 Weeks



    Holy moly…four weeks until due date! I’ve been trying to finalize all last minute prep items as much as possible (getting remaining baby items, freezer meals, postpartum prep) and trying not to freak out too much about how soon baby will be here. I think we are just about done prepping freezer meals which hopefully…

  • Biweekly Update: 36 Weeks

    Biweekly Update: 36 Weeks



    I’m technically at 37 weeks today as I write this but we’ll just say I’m 36 weeks for this post. I’ll take the extra time. 🙂 It’s so weird thinking that baby could really be here any day or he could take his sweet time and decide not to show for another 5 weeks. At…