Category: Family
Disconnecting (But Really Reconnecting)
I’ve decided I really need to disconnect from social media and phone addiction. Both Joe and I have committed to not using our phones in the evening after Joe’s home from work and before the kiddos are in bed. I noticed that we both tended to check our phones a lot throughout the night and…
Minimalism Challenge!
I easily get overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that seems to collect in our house. Even though I think I do a good job of getting rid of things we no longer use, things pile up easily. And a house full of clutter, even if it’s stuff we are using regularly, makes me really…
Miss Emilia: 9 Month Update
Nine months as parents of two kiddos…wow! I can honestly say that some things are much easier the second time around but other things are WAY harder. Not going to lie and say there weren’t days (or weeks) over the past nine months that I questioned our decision to have another kid. We had just…
Miss Emilia: 8 Month Update
Another month down! Can’t believe only 4 months until baby will be a year old. It’s going to fly by. Sleep – Wow this has been rough lately. I’m not sure what’s going on with baby but she went back to 2 night feedings most nights when we were down to 1 and the last two…
Miss Emilia – 7 Month Update
Time for another update! Emilia is growing so quickly it’s hard to keep up. Poor baby has a pretty nasty cold right now. Stuffy, runny nose, coughing and seems like she has a sore throat. Super cranky understandably and was up for 3 hours in the middle of the night last night. Needless to say,…
Miss Emilia – 6 Month Update
Seriously, half a year! It’s insane how fast Miss Emilia’s little life has been going for us. Glad I get to take the time to reflect on each month with these posts. It’s crazy how much she changes from month to month at this age. Sleep – Definitely better now than the last time I posted.…
Miss Emilia – 5 Month Update
Wow…5 months already! Even though I know how quickly time flies, it’s still hard to see that in the moments. These monthly posts help me to remember and try and take everything in each day with my sweet kiddos. Especially hard to remember after an especially sleepless night! Sleep – Man the 4th month sleep regression…
Miss Emilia – 4 Month Update
Miss Emilia is not a newborn anymore! Crazy to think that she’s turning into a baby and even looking back at her newborn photos, she looks so different already. She’s getting more fun every day and interacting with us and things around her so much. I’m looking forward to seeing how she grows and changes…
Miss Emilia – 3 Month Update
The last three months have been the most challenging, yet most rewarding three months of my life as a mom. Transitioning from one to two kids has been rough. There have been some really amazing, blessed days and some really hard, dark days. Of course, I am so grateful for Emilia, my sweet rainbow baby,…
Remembering Our Loss
April 6 marked one year since we found out we were losing our pregnancy at 11 weeks. That was the first and last time I saw that baby on the ultrasound and will never forget that moment. The raw heartache I felt when I realized that my dreams and hopes for that pregnancy and baby…
What I Ate Today: Breastfeeding
The initial weeks of breastfeeding is the hungriest I’ve ever been in my life. I remember feeling the same way with Enzo and this time is no different. I always thought being pregnant would make me hungry, but nursing a tiny baby round the clock while recovering from birth makes me one hungry mama! Below…
Postpartum Survival Tips
The nice thing about a second baby is you have a general idea of what to expect during the postpartum period. Though of course things won’t be exactly the same as before, at least you have an idea of certain things you’ll have to endure. The first time around both Joe and I had no…