Category: Family
Enzo Baptism
Enzo, it was an honor to baptize you. As your dad, I was concerned to baptize you before I felt like you truly understood what it meant to follow Jesus and what it meant to be baptized. You showed me through your words and actions that you believed that Jesus is the son of God…
Educating in a Pandemic
Life is hard, especially when making decisions that could impact you, your family, or others in drastic ways. The pandemic has put a twist on just about everything we took for granted. From going grocery shopping, athletic events, church, and probably worst of all, school. To have to make a decision to withhold a child…
Miss Emilia – 18 Month Update Plus Life News!
It’s been quite a while since I did an update on the blog. Things have been pretty hectic in the Pattavina household and I just haven’t had time to sit down and share. We closed on our new home in Austin at the beginning of September and moved in last weekend. It was a long…
Miss Emilia – 16 Month Update
16 months already! Phew have the last two months flown by. We were pretty busy traveling at the beginning of the summer but are now back in Austin for a while. Then Joe and I are heading to San Diego for a much-needed trip without the kiddos. This will be the first time I’m away…
One Year Vegan! Plus Life Update
I’ve officially been vegan for a full year. It honestly has flown and I’m very grateful for what I’ve learned over the past year eating this way. I’ve been learning a lot about my body and what foods it tolerates well and which ones it doesn’t. I’ve started cooking with new ingredients such as nutritional…
Miss Emilia – 14 Month Update
A little delayed but better late than never! We have a full-fledged toddler on our hands now! She’s walking like a pro, expressing her opinion, getting into trouble and saying a few words here and there. Can’t believe she’s not really a baby anymore. 🙁 Sleep – We’ve officially switched to a one-nap schedule and…
Miss Emilia – 12 Month Update
We just finished celebrating baby girl’s one year birthday with family and friends and it was a blast. I can’t believe she’s over a year now and soon we’ll have a toddler on our hands. Emilia is growing and changing so much every day and it’s so fun watching her soak in everything that’s going…
Miss Emilia: 11 Month Update
One more month until baby girl is one? Seriously…pinch me! The past month has been a lot of fun with Emilia. She’s starting to figure little things out and is interacting with Enzo so much more. Watching them play is super cute! Read on for how this month has been. Sleep – Definitely better! We’ve had…
Light of the World
Below is a story that Joe wrote a few years ago about the blind man who was healed by Jesus. Joe had imagined and wrote about what that man might have felt while witnessing Jesus’ Crucifixion. “As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this…
God of Mercy, Sweet Love of Mine
One of my all-time favorite bands is NEEDTOBREATHE and their song, “Multiplied”, holds a special place in my heart. When I was in the midst of postpartum depression after Enzo was born (about 3 1/2 years ago), this song had just been released on the radio. And when I say I was in the midst…
Miss Emilia: 10 Month Update
Two more months until baby girl turns a year…where did the time go? It’s continuing to fly by and I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon! Sleep – we’re mostly down to one wake up each night but she’s still very unpredictable. She’s been sick off and on since Thanksgiving with colds/fevers…