Category: Family
Year in Review – 2024
2024…what a year. It was supposed to be year of just settling down, enjoying our home, school, church, and friends without a lot of change. For the most part, that is what it was with the exception of a couple of major changes. Joe’s dad passed away and his mom was diagnosed with Progressive Supranuclear…
Dear Kacie – 2022
2022 was a big year. We had a baby, we moved, made the decision to not try for any more babies, had some health issues, and yet here we are, living in an amazing house with amazing views, 4 awesome kids, and cute puppy. You continue to amaze me with how committed you are to…
Leonardo Paul Pattavina’s Birth Story
Leo is almost 10 months old and I’m finally getting around to writing his birth story. It’s been on my mind this whole time, I just never sat down to write my words. Between adjusting to having another baby and moving across the country, I kept putting it off. I guess that’s what happens when…
Dear Enzo – 2022
Man bud, you continue to amaze me. You have been through a lot this past year. And somehow you’ve managed to be an example for me. For the most part, you are an incredibly generous person. You often play with your sisters, even if it’s not something you necessarily want to do. You frequently give…
Dear Emilia – 2022
My goodness you have come a long way since we put a lock on the outside of your door. You are an amazing child. You are growing into such a sweet, kind, confident woman that God intended you to be. I love to hear you laughing and playing with your siblings, I love the outfits…
Dear Sienna – 2022
Sometimes it’s hard for me remember you are 3 years old. You have an incredibly strong will and I’m excited to watch you grow and see how you can use that will for God’s glory. It has been extremely fun watching you grow, you bring so much energy and life to the family and you…
Carmela the Dog
Mela has been struggling for awhile. Not eating, uncontrollable shaking, somewhat lethargic. It was an incredibly difficult decision to put her to sleep. We had taken her to the vet about a month before in Austin, he said she likely had some issue but whatever he said she had didn’t make sense to us. Then…
Dear Emilia – 2021
Year In Review You gave us quite the scare in 2021. For about 2 months you were randomly throwing up (usually in the middle of the night), you weren’t putting on any weight, you weren’t hungry, and you were extremely fatigued. Thanks be to God, but it appears that has all ended. 2021 was a…
Dear Enzo – 2021
Year in Review 2021 has been a year. A year in which you were baptized, you learned to read, you solved a Rubik’s cube, and you lost your 2 front teeth. I am extremely grateful for the amount of energy you bring to this family. Wanting to be active, playing, reading, and constantly doing something.…