What I Ate Today – Mostly Vegan

As I’ve talked about in a few posts now, I decided to start eating vegan about 2 months ago. It honestly hasn’t been as difficult as I originally thought. Not to say I haven’t had dreams about devouring plates of chicken…but overall I’ve been able to come up with meals that have been satisfying and tasty. I have a lot of reasons why I decided to start eating this way and am happy to share with anyone who is interested. 🙂 But if you want to learn more about veganism and the benefits of eating this way, there are some good documentaries on Netflix that I liked: What the Health, Forks Over Knives and Vegucated.

Below is a day of eating mostly vegan. I do still eat eggs occasionally, usually about once a week or if they are in something I had already made in the past (like the muffin I ate that was stored in our freezer).

Breakfast: My fav breakfast right now is chia pudding. I made this recipe and it made about 2-3 servings so lasted a couple of days. I topped it with pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes, blueberries, bananas and a big scoop of peanut butter. So yummy and super filling. I also really like this recipe too with almond butter instead of peanut butter (even without the blueberry compote).

Snack: My only non-vegan food today. I had a grain-free blueberry muffin that I had made before and put in the freezer.

Lunch: My favorite meals right now are grain bowls with veggies/protein. This one was a bunch of leftovers that I had from earlier in the week: quinoa, roasted chickpeas, bell peppers, tomatoes, kale, sweet potatoes, coconut bacon (it does taste more like coconut than bacon unfortunately) and a mix of nutritional yeast/ground walnuts. I topped it with some hummus. Pretty tasty! I also had my fav kombucha from Buddha’s Brew (local in Austin).

Snack: I forgot to take a picture until I had already eaten this one. I had a whole mango (my fav fruit right now!) and some of these crackers with peanut butter. My go-to afternoon snack.

Dinner: This meal isn’t the most photogenic but it was pretty tasty. Joe had grilled up some eggplant and zucchini then I layered it in a pan and topped with jarred marinara sauce and vegan mozzarella cheese with brown rice pasta on the side. Not going to lie, vegan cheese isn’t my favorite. The texture is fine, but I’m not fond of the flavor. Joe and Enzo both don’t mind it but I think I’d rather just have no cheese. I also had a salad that I forgot to take a picture of with spring mix, avocado, olives and more coconut bacon.