Biweekly Update: 22 Weeks



8244472432230099779-account_id1How far along: 22 weeks

Size of baby: Grapefruit

Gender: ??

Movement: Still pretty sporadic. Some days I feel baby lots, others, not as much. Movement has woke me up in the middle of the night a few times which I don’t really remember experiencing with Enzo.

Sleep: I have been passing out every night. I got into reading non-fiction again (thanks Joe for the new books!) and I’ve been staying up later than I should reading because I just need to know what happens next. Luckily, I’ve been sleeping well through the night and waking up feeling pretty good.

Workouts: I felt really good the last week and did some awesome strength training workouts that left me super sore. If I have any energy and time to workout, I try to squeeze it in because I know I feel much better afterwards.

Maternity clothes: Almost exclusively especially pants.

Symptoms: The pregnancy heartburn and indigestion has kicked it up a notch the last two weeks. I had some really bad days where it was5700922040865223301-account_id1 hard to eat much and have been trying to eat as clean as possible. I started taking digestive enzymes with my meals and I think that’s been helping. I’ve also been putting lots of lemon juice in my water and drinking peppermint tea which has also been helpful. I also had a weird dizzy spell the other day. Woke up early in the morning and the room was spinning. I never felt quite right all day and was dizzy anytime I bent over or moved too quickly. Luckily, it only lasted a day and I hope that doesn’t become a reoccurring symptom.

Cravings/aversions: Had chili with paleo cinnamon rolls the other night which truly hit the spot! I also just bought some eggnog gelato which is beyond delicious. I’m loving all of the holiday-themed comfort foods and am excited to start planning what I want to cook on Thanksgiving.

Missing anything: Being able to eat spicier things without getting heartburn afterwards.

Best part of the week: Had a great trip to Omaha with family and friends! Also got to go see Kaleo in concert with Joe last night after a delicious dinner at Chicon. Great date night after being apart for a week and a half!

Can’t wait for: Enjoying the cooler weather in Austin and cooking! I love fall foods. 🙂