24 weeks

Biweekly Update: 24 Weeks



I honestly cannot believe another two weeks has flown by! Less than 4 months now until we get to meet Thing 3 and I’ll admit I definitely have my random mental freak out moments and am getting pretty anxious now that I’m almost 2/3 of the way through. I’m excited to have my registry pretty much completed and can’t wait to start piecing together the nursery. Right now we just have a crib and a rocker in there so it’s looking pretty bare.

23 WeeksHow far along: 24 weeks

Total weight gain: 10 lbs.

Maternity clothes: Almost exclusively now. I have one pair of maternity shorts and capris that I wear every week plus the same maxi skirt and dresses. Hoping they can take me through to the end!

Sleep: Can’t complain about anything much except the multiple bathroom trips but I’ve been able to fall back asleep almost instantly.

Miss anything: Sushi! We’re going back to Omaha in a few weeks and I could really use some Blue Sushi. Maybe I’ll see if they have any fully cooked options on their happy hour menu.

Best moment this week: Thinking that our pup Carmela had to get teeth out to find out that she didn’t! She just got them cleaned which was a huge relief. I was worrying so much about her but everything turned out just fine. I also used a Groupon to have someone clean our house this week which was beyond amazing. Hard not to hire her more often! If only it was cheaper…

Movement: He’s a mover and a shaker! Joe finally felt him move and you can see him move now by watching my stomach which is kind of alien-like. Some days more than others.

24 weeksFood cravings: Nothing is sticking out this time. I made some homemade chocolate coconut milk ice cream which lasted like three days. And I’ve been doing pretty good with Paleo these past few weeks. There are so many delicious veggies at the Farmer’s Market right now that I’ve been stocking up. And I made my first batch of pesto with a huge bunch of basil from the market which was delicious! I’m also really wanting some homemade popsicles. I registered for some molds at Target…hint, hint!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not that I can think of.

Have you started to show yet: Absolutely! The 3 year old girl at church asking me if I had a baby in my belly was pretty cute. 🙂

Gender: Oh boy!

Happy or moody most of the time: I like to think I’m still pretty even keeled right now.

Looking forward to: Friends visiting this weekend from Omaha and all the fun stuff we’ll get to do around Austin. Bring on the BBQ!