Miss Emilia – 18 Month Update Plus Life News!



It’s been quite a while since I did an update on the blog. Things have been pretty hectic in the Pattavina household and I just haven’t had time to sit down and share. We closed on our new home in Austin at the beginning of September and moved in last weekend. It was a long road but we are both happy with where we ended up and are looking forward to what’s ahead. Living among boxes and trying to pack with little ones has been pretty hard but we’re getting there. We are pretty exhausted as we’ve been going non stop since then . There’s just so much to do when you move! But we’re trying to enjoy our time together along the way.

I was also super sick the week before we moved. I think I caught the flu, if not a super nasty cold bug. Enzo had a cough and congestion first and the day after he starting showing symptoms, I got a sore throat and congestion so I thought I just caught whatever he had. But the next night I woke up in the middle of the night with insane sinus pain and all over body aches. The sinus pain/pressure came and went but the body aches lasted a good three days. And I just felt fatigued, weak and overall super sick. I had a low grade fever for about a day but nothing too high which was good.

My sinus infection/cold symptoms would just not clear up and I also felt wiped after doing any activity for 30-60 minutes. If it was a normal cold, I can usually push through and still do some things like normal, but not this time. And I did every home remedy under the sun with little relief. The only thing that seemed to make it better was trust in God and time. It was a good week and a half until I started feeling like myself again. It was definitely a trial for me and I had many moments of being frustrated with God and wondering why I was so sick. Thankful that He pulled me through and we got rid of that bug!

And most importantly Joe and I started taking a leadership development course through our church, The Austin Stone. We are reading a Systematic Theology book along with daily Bible readings and other things like podcasts, articles and lectures. The goal is to learn what the Bible has to say about every topic. It’s been really amazing so far. We’re also in a small group that we meet with once a week after lecture and it’s been great going alongside others in the process. It has been really hard, especially since we’ve moved, to get all of the homework done but we’re both definitely trying! One of the hardest parts for me is scripture memorization as I just haven’t done that much before. I’m excited to see what God will continue doing in our family through this class.

Now onto our super fun and cute (I’m biased!) 18 month old. 🙂

Sleep – Doing really good at the moment. Taking one 2+ hour nap a day (most days) and sleeping through the night. Though she does sometimes have her early 5 am wake ups those aren’t as often anymore which is a huge blessing. 

Breastfeeding – Still going! Thought we might be done after my trip to San Diego but she still wanted to nurse when we got back. I pumped/dumped while we were there and it must’ve kept up my milk enough. Unless she’s sick (which she is right now) we only nurse a few times a day. If she doesn’t ask I don’t offer at this point. My goal is to try to make it through the winter to help keep her healthy and then start weaning but we’ll see.

Milestones – She is trying to say everything we say! She’s definitely our little parrot. It’s so fun trying to see her communicate and learn new words constantly. Her and Enzo have been playing so much lately which is also super fun. They have been wrestling a lot which doesn’t usually end well. Emilia thought it would be a good idea to throw a kindle at Enzo’s head…I feel like a referee most days which I’m guessing many parents of multiple kids can relate to!

Teething – She has all her baby teeth now except her two year molars.

Food – Her favorites are pretty consistent – organic honey nut cheerios, raisins, Lara bars or a homemade version, eggs with spinach and nutritional yeast, toast with nut butter, oatmeal, frozen blueberries and dried seaweed (she loves it!).