Miss Emilia – 14 Month Update


A little delayed but better late than never! We have a full-fledged toddler on our hands now! She’s walking like a pro, expressing her opinion, getting into trouble and saying a few words here and there. Can’t believe she’s not really a baby anymore. 🙁
Sleep – We’ve officially switched to a one-nap schedule and it’s been working fairly well. She does get tired in the morning but she was continually skipping naps on the two-nap schedule so it was time. She’s been pretty good about taking a 2-2.5 hour nap each day and has been sleeping until 4-5 a.m. (sometimes all the way through the night). When she wakes early, I go in for a quick nursing session and she’s back to sleep until around 7 a.m.

Breastfeeding – Hanging in there. She’s started signing and asking for milk at random times of the day which I’m not super excited about but at least she knows what she wants! We normally nurse about 4-5 times per day (including one nighttime feeding) depending on if she wants to or not. No clue how long we’ll keep going but it’s working for now.

Milestones – She’s walking all over the place! It’s crazy how quickly it happened and now she’s a pro (well mostly). She does say a few words including “mama”, “dada”, “uh oh”, “shoes”, “puffs” (gosh she is addicted!), “apple”, and “woof woof” (for the dogs). Her and Enzo are playing a lot more together which is super fun. She is really independent and likes doing as many things on her own as possible!

Teething – She has gotten so many teeth over the past two months! She has her first 4 teeth on the top and bottom for 8 teeth total. Plus her top two molars are through and her bottom ones are very close behind. Girl can’t catch a break!

Food – Some days are good and she eats a ton and others not so much. She’s still not into most whole fruits and veggies but I can get her to eat some strawberries, clementines, and avocado. She’s gone off sweet potatoes and blueberries which used to be two of her favorites. She will still eat mostly any smoothie I make and loves her toast or waffles with nut butter. She also will eat quesadillas with whole wheat tortillas, re-fried beans, spinach and vegan cheese along with vegan boxed mac and cheese. Hummus and puffs are also at the top of the list. Not a whole lot has changed though she is willing to try just about anything once.