Miss Emilia – 12 Month Update


We just finished celebrating baby girl’s one year birthday with family and friends and it was a blast. I can’t believe she’s over a year now and soon we’ll have a toddler on our hands. Emilia is growing and changing so much every day and it’s so fun watching her soak in everything that’s going on around her.

Sleep – Continuing to get better and better. Most nights she’s sleeping until 4 or 5 a.m., has a feeding and goes back to sleep until 6-7 a.m. which has been nice. She’s been going down much easier for the night and has been better at taking naps. We’ve been super busy this week so she’s been sleeping on the go in the car a lot for naps. Luckily she still fits in her infant car seat so I can pop her out and push her in the stroller if needed. She still takes two naps a day but I’m guessing she’ll start transitioning to one nap in the next couple of months. The afternoon nap can be pretty iffy so once she starts skipping that one a lot I know it’ll be time to switch.

Breastfeeding – Still going strong. I’ve officially nursed her longer than Enzo (though Enzo did get breast milk until 14 months old in a bottle). It’s usually pretty quick and easy now. Not sure yet when I’ll start weaning but I would like to keep going for a few more months.

Milestones – No walking on her own but she will stand up by herself and will sometimes hold our hands to walk. She can now sign “eat” and “more” which is fun. She tries to brush her hair and put on hats though isn’t very successful. She’s getting more and more fun with each day and is turning into a little kid not just a baby anymore!

Teething – She has 5 teeth (2 on the top and 3 on the bottom). She hasn’t gotten the next one on the bottom yet and I’m not sure it’s coming through. She may just be missing that tooth! It looks like her next set of teeth on the top is coming soon and I can feel the molars on the sides of her gums. Hard to know how much longer but I’m sure she’ll make it pretty clear.

Food – Her eating has greatly increased over the last month. She’s hungry all the time! She’s still not into veggies too much but loves pouches/smoothies, sweet potatoes, grapes, strawberries, waffles/toast with nut butter, oatmeal, graham crackers, hummus (easy to mash in beans, veggies and avocado), veggie burgers and of course the infamous puffs.