Miss Emilia: 11 Month Update



One more month until baby girl is one? Seriously…pinch me! The past month has been a lot of fun with Emilia. She’s starting to figure little things out and is interacting with Enzo so much more. Watching them play is super cute! Read on for how this month has been.

Sleep – Definitely better! We’ve had some really good days/nights where she goes to sleep easily and has taken good naps during the day. She has also slept through the night two times now! And the nights she doesn’t sleep all the way through, she’s been sleeping until the early morning, has a feeding and goes back to sleep, which is a much welcome change. She just got over another nasty cold and a stomach bug (which has now been passed onto Enzo) so hopefully she’ll stay healthy for a while and give us that much needed sleep. 🙂

Breastfeeding – No updates except that we are still breastfeeding fairly easily. She nurses about 4-5 times per day (once in the morning, after each of her two naps, before bed and once in the middle of the night). She knows how to do the sign for “milk” now which is cute. Though she uses it for other things as well, she will sign “milk” while she’s nursing. Sweet moment!

Milestones – Getting a little braver with standing on her own but has to work on her balance some more before she’s walking. I think it will be another couple of months if I had to guess. She still says “mama”, “dada” and “uh oh” pretty clearly. She has been working on trying to put things together, like putting a lid on a toy pot or putting the stacking rings together, but isn’t quite there yet. It’s cool to see her try to figure things out and soak up everything that’s going on around her.

Teething – Her top two teeth are about halfway in and her second set of teeth on the bottom have broken the skin. Once those come through she’s up to six teeth total. I think her second set of teeth on the top will be following shortly behind. Then it’s the first set of molars…yikes!

Food – Her favorites from last month really haven’t changed. Still addicted to puffs and hummus (I swear she’d eat a container of hummus every couple of days if I let her!). She also eats lots of oatmeal, frozen whole grain waffles with nut butter, blueberries, cooked apples, coconut milk yogurt, mashed up beans (sometimes), homemade oat pancakes and smoothies. I still have a hard time getting her to eat any veggies except sweet potatoes so I’m really relying on smoothies or baby food pouches to get those in. I’m continuing to offer her foods that we’re eating in hopes that she will start eating everything soon.