How to be a Christian in the Workplace

I have been told on more than one occasion that people love my attitude at work. I’m not one to complain often and I try to have a positive outlook. But if you were to ask my colleagues if I was a Christian, I bet that only a handful of them would be able to give you the correct answer.

This is extremely sad for me because as hard as I try and as much as I do in the workplace, I have this fear of mixing my personal life with my work life. I feel like God is part of my personal life and I’m scared of being one of those pushy Christians that ends up making people turn away from God and not towards Him.

This is a major challenge of mine.

How do I show that I’m a Christian without trying to come off like I’m bragging or judging?

I read Matthew 10:32-33 the other day and it says, “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.”

Over the years, I have found it extremely difficult to stand up for my faith. It seems like it’s always something that holds me back. For example, someone I admire or look up to may make an inappropriate comment or says something that goes against my beliefs. And I hold my tongue, worried that I might offend them.

I’ve challenged myself to start taking a stand on things that I feel in my heart are right and wrong. Rather than going along with the conversations about things I do not agree with, I want to be more vocal on why I don’t do those things. My goal for you is that you will be more vocal about your faith in your workplace, among your family or other areas of your life.