Miss Emilia: 10 Month Update



Two more months until baby girl turns a year…where did the time go? It’s continuing to fly by and I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon!


Sleep – we’re mostly down to one wake up each night but she’s still very unpredictable. She’s been sick off  and on since Thanksgiving with colds/fevers and now she’s cutting her top two teeth. At this point, I feel like we’re never going to be sleeping through the night but I know that’s not true. I’m trying to be as patient as possible and am hopeful that I will sleep again at some point. Naps have been not so great recently. She needs two naps per day but I’m lucky to get one good one out of her and then she usually takes another one in the car or stroller.

Breastfeeding – Going strong! I’m hopeful to keep nursing her past one year. I wanted to with Enzo, but he self-weaned at one. I’m not sure how long I want to keep going, but I figure I’ll take it one month at a time and of course she may just decide she’s done all on her own.

Milestones – She’s crawling around every where and getting into things. She knows when she’s being funny now and she’s such a copier. Monkey see, monkey do! She’s been super chatty lately and just started saying “uh oh” which is really cute. She can pull up on things and has tried to stand on her own but doesn’t seem close to walking which I’m totally okay with.

Teething – Her top two teeth are finally breaking the skin. I thought they were coming in months ago so I’m glad that’s over. I’m sure the next set of teeth is just around the corner.

Food – Some of her favs include oatmeal, hummus, smoothies, baby pouches, baby puffs (she’s an addict!), sweet potatoes, and blueberries (she really just chews them up and then spits them out). I really can’t get her to eat many veggies. She’ll usually try just about anything but she tends to put things in her mouth for a bit then spit them out. I just keep offering her stuff in hopes that one day she’ll start eating it!