Miss Emilia: 9 Month Update



Nine months as parents of two kiddos…wow! I can honestly say that some things are much easier the second time around but other things are WAY harder. Not going to lie and say there weren’t days (or weeks) over the past nine months that I questioned our decision to have another kid. We had just gotten to a place of ease with Enzo and felt like we had our lives back again in a way. Then we threw a baby into the mix! But despite those hard days when everything seems to be going wrong, I am truly blessed to have Miss Em in our lives. Her personality has really shown through over the past month or so. And seeing her and Enzo play together is enough to melt my heart!

Sleep – Better but definitely not where I would like it to be. Some nights she has only had 1 night feeding which is amazing! But most nights we’re still around two feedings. I’m slowly trying to push that first feeding so hoping as we do that we can get down to either one feeding in the early morning hours or no feeding at all which is the ultimate goal. She has been better about taking her two naps each day, though sometimes they aren’t very long. My biggest nap issue is on days when I have to take Enzo to school. It’s about a 25-30 minute drive in the mornings and she never makes it there and back home without falling asleep. And she won’t transfer from the car to the crib so that’s her nap. Then she’s so tired from that short nap and ends up falling asleep on the way to get him. I’ve just come to accept on those days I’m not going to get a break from baby, so we try and make the most of it by running errands or going for a walk/run if it’s nice outside.

Breastfeeding – Still going well despite trying to wean her feedings at night. She gets all giddy when you ask her if she wants some milk. Pretty cute. 🙂

Milestones – She’s been saying “dada”, “mama” and “baba”. I think “baba” might be her term for Enzo as I call him Buddy all the time. She’s also able to pull herself up to stand on most things though she’s not always super sturdy on them yet.

Teething – I thought she was getting her top front teeth last month but still no sign of them poking through so who knows!

Exercise – I went to the doctor for my wrist and I tore the cartilage on the outside of it so I have to wear this hard, cast-like brace as much as possible. No push-ups or yoga moves that require my wrist. But I’ve been running a bit more when it’s nice out and doing more cardio workouts on YouTube. I can still do some strength moves but have to modify to make sure I don’t hurt my wrist any further. Going back in around February to see if it’s improved any. I feel that it’s been harder to get into working out with the second baby than it was with Enzo. I have the desire to workout but there have been days/weeks of pure exhaustion that I couldn’t convince myself to exercise. And finding the time has been much more difficult. I would like to start working out in the early morning again once baby decides to start sleeping through the night. 🙂

Food – Some days she’s a bottomless pit and others not so much. She is really addicted to baby puffs and pouches but I’m trying to give her cooked whole foods as much as possible and save those things when I need to keep her occupied or when we’re on the go. She loves cooked apples with cinnamon, oatmeal, avocado, hummus and toast. She’s not a big fan of bananas or berries which seems odd to me! I also can’t get her to eat many veggies except for sweet potatoes right now. If they are in a pouch/smoothie she’ll eat them so that’s usually how she’s getting them at this point.