Minimalism Challenge!



I easily get overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that seems to collect in our house. Even though I think I do a good job of getting rid of things we no longer use, things pile up easily. And a house full of clutter, even if it’s stuff we are using regularly, makes me really stressed out. I feel like I can never keep up and keep our house somewhat clean. I know that has a lot to do with the fact that we have a baby and a three year old running around our house, but I’m hoping that by committing to really clearing things out, our daily lives will feel a little less cluttered.

We are going to commit to a minimalist challenge starting in January in which we focus on one room at a time and really clear things out that we are not using. If the item hasn’t been used in over a year, we really need to consider donating it or throwing it away if we can’t donate. Items that have sentimental value will be considered differently, but we need to try and limit these items as much as possible. We have 20 spots in our home that we need to go through including closets, bathrooms, the garage and the backyard (toys end up back there and never make it back in the house). My initial goal was to try and accomplish the whole house in one month but Joe convinced me that’s probably not realistic. I think focusing on one room/space at a time before moving on to the next, will help us stick to our goal and be more thorough. There are going to be days where I just don’t have time to focus on this task, but I’m confident we can do it!

There are numerous other minimalist type challenges out there that I considered including ones that focus on your mental clutter and disconnecting from the internet more. I’m interested in those types of challenges too but right now focusing on the material goods in our home is where I want to start. As I complete each room/space, I’ll post on here as well as on my Instagram account. I think that will help with my accountability as well.

Anyone want to join us in this challenge?