Baby Enzo: 12 Month Update



I’m a little late but here’s Enzo’s one year update! I can’t believe we’re past the one year mark. Insane how fast time is truly flying by.

10273217_10101927604622024_8318617152107213532_oEnjoys: crawling at lightening speed, pulling to stand on everything, throwing food and toys (not my fav), and getting into the kitchen cupboards.

Dislikes: brushing his teeth, getting licked in the face by Annie and being in the high chair for too long.

Milestones: he’s not walking yet but seems like we’re getting closer. I don’t think it will happen until he is confident he can do it on his own. He refuses to walk while holding his hands. He’s starting to understand a lot more now and can react to questions or things we say which is really fun. Example: there is a picture of “Batdog” (basically a dog dressed as Batman) in his room. When in the rocking chair I ask him “Where’s Batdog” and he smiles and points right at the picture. He loves it!

Teeth: 8 teeth through. Thinking those molars are getting closer as he’s started drooling and chewing again.

Sleep: he’s been doing really well and sticking to two naps a day. He’s also been sleeping through the night until around 6:30-7 a.m. which has been great! Hopefully this is a phase that will stick for a while.

Food: he likes what he likes, when he wants to like it! He’s eating pretty well but as soon as he’s had enough he let’s you know and does not want to be in his high chair any more. He also likes to throw food to the dogs, especially if it’s something he doesn’t want to eat. We just tried breastfeeding yesterday after being away for 10 days and it didn’t go so well. Enzo refused and just pushed me away. He would still take a bottle of breast milk but it was definitely frustrating and hard for me. This morning he did feed like normal which was great! Hopefully he just needs to adjust back to it and will get into the routine again. But for now each feeding is a guess on whether or not he will cooperate.

Exercise: need to get back into a routine after being in Italy for 10 days! We did a TON of walking there so that kept both Joe and I super active throughout the trip.

Travel: Joe and I just got back from Italy! It was truly amazing and I can’t believe it’s already over. It flew by but I was also ready to get back home and see my little buddy. We enjoyed every minute knowing that Enzo was well taken care of. All that planning/prep we did was well worth it to be able to relax and enjoy our time away. We’re already talking about going back! At the end of this month Enzo and I will be heading to Omaha solo again. No ideas on how Enzo will be on the plane now that he’s much more active than the last time we flew. Hoping it goes smoothly!