Baby Enzo: 8 Month Update



Can’t believe it’s time for another post! Enzo is getting so big and it’s fun watching him grow and change every day.

Enjoys: bouncing, baby food pouches (just bought some reusable ones so I can make my own at home), saying “da da” (though I don’t think he knows what it means), using the sign language for “milk” all the time, his little rubber ducky during bath time and books.

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Milestones: Enzo isn’t crawling yet but I’m thinking within the next month he should be on the move. He is usually just content laying on the floor on his back or sitting up and playing with toys. When on his tummy he tries to get up on his knees but isn’t quite there yet. He does roll around like crazy in his crib though. Enzo has also shown signs of separation anxiety over the last week or so. At a friend’s house I set him on the floor with my friends and other babies so I could get something to eat and he freaked out. I’ve never seen him get that upset when I left him before. And he wasn’t happy unless I was the one holding him. If he’s with someone else and I’m not around, he’s fine. But the minute I step into the room or he can hear me, he will whine and cry until I come to him.

Teeth: 2 on the bottom. I think he’s teething again but I can’t tell where they are coming in.

Sleep: Still making progress. Some nights are better than others but he’s been pretty consistent at sleeping long stretches and having only one night feeding. He’s also been sleeping past 6 a.m. most days which is a huge step. Now that I write that he’ll be up at 5 a.m. tomorrow. 🙂 We are still transitioning to 2 naps and I’m hoping once he gets used to being awake for longer stretches, we’ll get into a good daily routine.

Food: Breastfeeding and going strong. Favs: pears, bananas, oranges (basically he will devour and fruit). We’re continuing to introduce news foods such as zucchini and butternut squash this past week. I’m hoping to start on beef this week too. When we traveled to Omaha I introduced the squeezable baby food pouches for the plane ride and he absolutely loves them. I really want him to eat regular whole foods as opposed to those pouches but they are really nice if we are in a hurry or on-the-go. I’m excited to try and make my own blends for him with these reusable ones.

Exercise: I hurt my shoulder last week working out and have taken a little time off while traveling to Omaha. I’m not 100% sure what I even did to it but I don’t want to risk making it worse. When I am working out, I’m still continuing our daily walks when possible and using online videos. I want to try to take some yoga classes again and also step up my weight lifting soon.

Travel: Enzo and I just traveled solo to Omaha this week. We drove 2.5 hours to Houston the day before our flight and it was awful. He cried for an entire hour straight. I tried talking or singing and he just cried harder so I gave up. I knew if I stopped he would calm down but the minute we got back in the car, he would start screaming again, so I just left him. He never fell asleep but ended up at least being calm towards the end of the drive. It gave me little hope for the plane ride but he ended up doing great. We got really lucky and had an empty seat next to us and lots of space. Pretty sure the man who was supposed to sit next to me didn’t mind moving seats! I was able to keep him occupied for the most part and he only got fussy a few times. He even fell asleep nursing (which never happens) during the very end of the flight (of course!). The way back was pretty similar. Did awesome on the flight and fell asleep on the way up this time! But did terrible in the car. He slept for a good hour which was awesome but once he woke up he screamed hardcore the last hour of the drive. It was pretty rough but thankfully it’s over. Not sure I will be driving long distance solo with him anytime soon!