Biweekly Update: 34 Weeks



Okay 6 weeks left really? This is absolutely nuts. Honestly, Thing 3 could arrive anywhere from 2 weeks before to 2 weeks after our due date so really we are more in a range of 4-8 weeks. I’m thinking 4 is way too short so hopefully he’ll hang on til the end! Big thing this week was finding a pediatrician. I’m not sure I’ll ever be 100% satisfied with any pediatrician because of my views on traditional Western medicine but I’m hopeful the one we found will be able to work with us. She was friendly and the office staff also seemed kind. I just hope she’s ready for me to question every single thing and not accept medication/interventions without research. 🙂

How far along: 34 weeks

Maternity clothes: Uh yeah…

Sleep: No complaints still (knock on wood!). I sleep really well and only get woken up for bathroom breaks or a random karate kick here and there.

Miss anything: Honestly I’m so close to the end now that it seems silly to think about things I “can’t” do anymore. When first getting pregnant it was more of a big deal but you definitely become used to those things and not really worry about it any more. I am excited to eventually start more intense workouts again after I’ve had time to heal. But for now, I’m okay with my prenatal yoga and strength workouts, even if I can barely get through them.

33 WeeksBest moment this week: My birthday definitely! Joe planned a party for me at home with some friends and we had a blast playing different “minute to win it” type games that he found. Different than your traditional board game night! Joe also got me a prenatal massage for my birthday which was really awesome. I didn’t have any pain going into the massage but I was really tight in my back and glutes (didn’t even realize) so it was nice to get it all worked out. We also took an all-day childbirth preparation class. Even though it was long, it was so beneficial and I think it really helped us both see that we can do this natural childbirth thing! Got to hit up Kerbey Lane during the lunch break too. How convenient that it’s so close to the hospital we are delivering at. 🙂

Movement: Much of the same. Starting to get a little painful when I get poked in the ribs and deep down in my pelvis. Still baby hiccups at least once a day.

Food cravings: Food doesn’t seem to be quite as exciting any more. My motivation to cook has kind of wained (which makes it hard when I’m trying to get meals in the freezer for baby!). I’m still sticking to mostly Paleo but have included more grains like brown rice, quinoa, and gluten-free pasta along with lots of healthy fats to keep my baby weight going up. I’ve been loving smoothies still. One of my favorite combos right now is frozen cherries, bananas, avocado, spinach, full-fat coconut milk and coconut water. Super yummy!

Anything making you queasy or sick: The Brussels sprouts I had in my omelet this morning aren’t sitting too well…

Have you started to show yet: Sure have 34 weeks

Gender: I’m starting to think he really is baby Batman.

Happy or moody most of the time: Still pretty happy. I feel like I have so many mixed emotions right now between being excited to see the baby, nervous for what the labor experience is going to be like, sad for how I know our lives are going to change but excited to see what those changes will bring and a little sad that this pregnancy will be over soon.

Looking forward to: Truly enjoying these last weeks. Taking it all in as I know this time will continue to fly. Also going to our favorite brunch place, Mulberry, soon!