Biweekly Update: 32 Weeks



Less than eight weeks to go until due date! Quick update on how Thing 3 and I are doing. Big thing of the week:  I think we found a daycare that will take our little boy part-time! We have been doing lots of research and it’s been hard to find a decent center that is close to our house and my work. The East side of Austin doesn’t have a whole lot to offer when it comes to quality day cares. But I’m feeling really good about the one we picked.

31 weeksHow far along: 32 weeks

Maternity clothes: Pretty much exclusively at this point.

Sleep: Still really good. I do keep waking up on my back which has caused some back pain, but other than that I’m a rock.

Miss anything: Really can’t think of anything that I haven’t mentioned already. I just have been getting super tired really easy. Can’t hang as long as I used to!

Best moment this week: Wow these past two weeks have been so crazy, I’m not sure I can pinpoint a best moment. We had another visit from family this weekend and enjoyed exploring Austin. This morning Joe and I woke up at 5:30 a.m. (on a Saturday) to catch the sunrise at Mount Bonnell (view in the picture below). We were there and ready when we parked and realized we left the dogs’ leashes at home…We carried them up the hill and luckily there weren’t too many people and no other dogs around so they were really good off-leash. I was beat by the end  but it was totally worth the beautiful view.

Movement: Lots of rolling movements and less kicking. Definitely uncomfortable when a pointy limb is pushing against my abdomen. Also have been noticing baby hiccups a lot more!

32 weeksFood cravings: Really much of the same. The fried Brussels sprouts I had the other night really hit the spot. Along with the delicious gelato from one of our dessert trips. Other than that, I’ve been trying to incorporate more calories/carbs/protein with whole, natural foods to keep my baby weight up. I’ve really been liking my homemade granola with full-fat canned coconut milk and peaches and I’ve been on a smoothie kick again. Super tasty!

Anything making you queasy or sick: We walked by a nasty dumpster the other night and I thought I was going to lose it.

Have you started to show yet: Yeah

Gender: Boy!

Happy or moody most of the time: I really feel pretty good. Haven’t had any abnormal weepy moments this week or other emotional outbursts. Success in my book.

Looking forward to: A little break in our schedule. I feel like both Joe and I have been going nonstop these past two weeks and it’s nice to finally have a more freeing schedule. I still have a long list of things I want to do around the house (still more baby laundry, sanitize all the baby toys/pacifiers, clean/sanitize all bottles/pump parts, etc.) and it will be nice to have the time to get those things done.