Biweekly Update: 30 Weeks



We are officially in the homestretch! I’ve started a countdown on our chalkboard at home and it’s really surreal to see the number of weeks left slowly creep down. We have almost exactly 2 months to go as I write this and it just seems impossible!

29 WeeksHow far along: 30 weeks

Maternity clothes: Either wearing maternity clothes or stretching out my regular ones.

Sleep: I truly am still sleeping really good.

Miss anything: Riding a bike. I actually rode a bike this weekend (maybe a mile) and I managed but it was definitely tiring and awkward. It gave me the itch though to start again. I just need to find one.

Best moment this week: Trip to The Woodlands to celebrate my friend’s wedding. We had a blast spending time with family and friends. We also had a 3D ultrasound but baby boy was having none of it and we really couldn’t make out a good face shot. I guess we’ll just have to wait! I also had a baby shower with girl friends in Austin and my work friends. Both were great!

Movement: Getting kind of uncomfortable since there isn’t much room in there.

Food cravings: Nothing too crazy. I was really wanting grilled peaches and we had them last night. Delicious! I also found this organic salted caramel chocolate coconut milk ice cream at Whole Foods which is super tasty. I miss drinking kombucha too…

30 Weeks

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nada.

Have you started to show yet: At this point there’s no hiding anything.

Gender: Boy

Happy or moody most of the time: Gotten a little more weepy over the past few weeks. I melted down a bit because our air conditioner doesn’t cool down our house too well and I was unbearably hot. I also read an article about how a family spent their dog’s final days before they put him down. If you want a good cry (especially if you are a dog lover) read this.

Looking forward to: Family visiting this weekend and hopefully exploring Austin with them. Also just working more on the baby room/prepping everything.