Paleo Weekly Meal Planning

I’m a super planner when it comes to most everything in my life (maybe a little too much) and when it comes to meal planning, I make no exceptions. It’s so important for me to have a plan in place, make one trip to the Farmer’s Market and one to the grocery store on Saturday and be set (hopefully!). I always make sure we have enough leftovers to last us at least one or two more meals. This saves on cooking time and makes for some yummy lunches.

DSC01587I tend not to plan breakfasts as I usually just eat fried or scrambled eggs with some kind of meat/veggie combo or smoothies. I’ve been cooking up batches or roasted sweet potatoes and breakfast sausage on the weekend to last me through the week. I’ve also been into making chia puddings which are delicious with fruit and nuts for breakfast. Joe tends to stick with his cereal (I make homemade granola most of the time) with almond milk, bacon (if we have it), gluten-free waffles or eggs. I can’t break the man of his cereal habit!

Below is my meal plan for next week. Some days things change (we get busy, something comes up, one of us doesn’t feel great) so there is always room for flexibility, but having a baseline plan is helpful. I also think my meal planning will make a world of difference when Thing 3 arrives in a few months! I’m guessing my meals will become even simpler and the crockpot will get used a lot more…

Lunch: Scrounge for leftovers
Dinner: Spaghetti squash, bacon and asparagus quiche (recipe coming) and fruit

Lunch: Trying a new brunch place, Hopfield’s. Looking forward to their corned lamb hash. Yum!
Dinner: Having friends over and making lamb burgers (too much lamb for one day?) with sauteed onions and mushrooms. Will also make roasted potatoes and carrots. Friends are bringing more sides.

Leftover burgers and veggies or quiche and fruit
Dinner: My delicious Chicken Salad with Prosciutto, Caramelized Peaches & Zucchini. It is so good and I’ve been craving it this week.

Lunch: Leftover salad
Dinner: Lentil veggie soup in the crockpot with a salad. Cutting in half and adding sweet potatoes. I know lentils are not strictly Paleo but I allow legumes periodically in our diet and this sounded really good.

Lunch: Leftover soup and salad
Dinner: Spaghetti squash with spinach pesto, sun-dried tomatoes and bacon (potential recipe)

Lunch: Leftover squash with pesto
Dinner: Any leftovers or omelets (egg dishes are always a go to when I run out of ideas)

Friday (off work!)
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: Out or go shopping for dinner