Breakfast Tacos

What I Ate Today

I have another day in the life of eating mostly Paleo/Primal for you on a weekday! I’ve been eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of the typical three square meals and just trying to listen to my body. When I’m hungry, I eat, plain and simple. No matter what time of day. I hope this can inspire you and give you some new meal planning ideas.

Breakfast Tacos

Breakfast: Tacos using Primal Magic Dough from Primal Girl (totally worth the $3.95 purchase price I paid for the recipe). I did sub grass-fed butter for the oil in the recipe, almond milk for the coconut milk and doubled the recipe. Glad I did because my tortillas are almost gone! I have a feeling I’ll be making more this weekend. I filled my tacos with scrambled eggs cooked in bacon fat, a little organic mozzarella cheese, half an avocado and some hot sauce. I had organic strawberries on the side.

Granola and Yogurt

Snack time: Grass-fed whole milk yogurt from Dreaming Cow, a banana and homemade granola. I was so excited to find that yogurt at our local grocery store. It’s delicious!

Chicken Soup   Dark Chocolate

Lunch: Bowl of Mexican chicken soup from Against All Grain. I had made it a few weeks ago and froze half the batch. Made for a super easy lunch for both me and Joe. Unfortunately I didn’t take a picture until I had pretty much finished off my bowl! I also had a piece of dark chocolate. 🙂



Snack time: Organic Golden Delicious apple and pineapple


Dinner: Joe made an awesome frittata with prosciutto, potatoes and spinach (recipe coming!). We had gluten-free brown rice toast with grass-fed butter and a cinnamon/coconut sugar mixture on the side.

Dessert: I forgot a picture (bound to happen) but I found a frozen almond butter “egg” in my freezer that I forgot about. It’s a super easy recipe that can be found here. I just swapped out the peanut butter for almond butter. I’m thinking I may need to make some more!