Kacie’s Story (Part 4)

As I mentioned in “My Story” here, I met with a nutritionist and psychologist to help me overcome my eating disorder. One of the main reasons that meeting with them worked was because of the accountability. I recorded my meals/calories, wrote down if I binged or under-ate and helped figure out what happened that day or week to cause those behaviors. Having someone there who I knew I had to be truthful to was very helpful in my recovery. Now that I have my relationship with God, He also takes that place in my life. I know that if I’m struggling with something, I need to be accountable to God. I can’t try and do things on my own, even though I would like to at times.

A great book that I read during my recovery was “Life Without Ed” by Jenni Schaefer. It was a great resource and helped me to know that I wasn’t alone in my struggle. Below is an excerpt from the book that I really like:

If you were battling cancer, would you try to do it alone? Would you refuse to see a doctor, convinced that you could save yourself? Would you hide your disease from friends and family, refusing to receive their support? Of course not. You would enlist support of those around you to help fight a life-threatening illness. Your eating disorder is a life-threatening illness.” (“Life Without Ed,” Jenni Schaefer with Thom Rutledge, p . 17).

I think that example can be applied to any struggle you may be dealing with, not just eating disorders. And if I could add to what she says, you not only need support from those you trust, but also from God. He wants to be on your support team no matter what you are going through. Let Him join that team and allow yourself to be accountable to Him. I can honestly say that “life without ed (eating disorder)” and with God is awesome!