Tag: Fostering

  • The Placement

    The Placement



    That incredible feeling when you finally get that callback and they say “You got the child.”  It’s comparable to “it’s a boy!”, or “I now pronounce you husband and wife”, or “I’m pregnant”, or any other precious moments in your life.  I immediately started realizing how unprepared I was. Do we have a car seat?…

  • Placement Process – Setting Expectations

    Placement Process – Setting Expectations



      If you are considering fostering and just starting out, I encourage you to first read through my posts on the Licensing Process if you haven’t done so already.   This next series of posts will discuss what to expect during the placement process.  This is the period of time between getting a license and actually…

  • Foster Process – Phase III – The Home Study

    Foster Process – Phase III – The Home Study



    Ah, the dreaded home study.  You will probably lose some sleep over this one, I know I did. Prior to the actual home study though, you will need to fill out an autobiography, a parenting guide, and a marriage guide. Autobiography:  Think of this as a resume for your whole life, including some of the…

  • Foster Process – Phase II – Inspections



    Phase II is fairly quick if you have a newer home.  If you have an older home, you may need to make some upgrades in order to be compliant with minimum standards. Pets:  If you have any pets, they need rabies vaccines. Fire:  You have to do a fire inspection to ensure your house is…

  • Foster Process – Phase I – Application, Documentation, and Background Checks

    Foster Process – Phase I – Application, Documentation, and Background Checks



    Over the next three posts I’m going to go into detail on all of the stuff that is required in order to get licensed.  We were fortunate enough to have an agency that had clear direction, requirements, and planning. Have you ever bought a house, applied for a car loan, wrote an autobiography, all while writing…

  • The Full Pre-License Process

    The Full Pre-License Process



    Sorry to those of you that are vegetarians, vegans, or just in general don’t like meat. But the whole pre-license process is somewhat like smoking a brisket. If you are as particular about your brisket as I am, you will know immediately what I’m talking about. Step 1 : The Discussion It begins with the…

  • Why Foster to Adopt?

    Why Foster to Adopt?



    The Parable of the Good Samaritan 25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” 27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and…