Author: Dad

  • Bible Study Notes (Job)

    Job 1-5 Lots of similarities between Noah and Job Job 1:6 refers to angels as the sons of God, including satan. God initiates a conversation with Satan about Job Satan here means adversary, one who resists, accuser.  Many believe that Satan does not refer to a single being but a general term.  This could mean…

  • Bible Study Notes (Genesis)

    Our community group has started to read through the Bible in 1 year. I will be using this post to track things I find interesting. Genesis 1-3 Look for God in scripture, not myself Genesis is not always literal This is the book of the law Days could mean 10’s of thousands of years (Day-Age…

  • Gourmet Saturday (Gourmaturday) Breakfast Recipes

    It all started when I realized I was eating the same thing for breakfast every day. I wanted to spice things up a little, try something new. Saturday seemed like a good morning to try it and it turned into a family tradition. Title Link/Recipe Dad Rank Mom Rank Enzo Rank Emilia Rank Cinnamon Roll…

  • Good Books

    Good Books

    If you’re looking to relax and delve into a good book, here are my recommendations: Parenting Books Theology Adventure Biographies Historical

  • My Stories



    I love to write and occasionally an idea hits me for a clever, unique book idea. I rarely ever finish the books that I start but I always enjoy the complexities of coming up with new stories. I also feel that coming up with a new story is a creatively outlet when dealing with some…

  • Educating in a Pandemic

    Life is hard, especially when making decisions that could impact you, your family, or others in drastic ways. The pandemic has put a twist on just about everything we took for granted. From going grocery shopping, athletic events, church, and probably worst of all, school. To have to make a decision to withhold a child…

  • Dad’s Spiritual Journey

    Similar to your mom, I grew up catholic. My parents weren’t heavily involved with the church and I’m sure I didn’t make it easy on them to want to stay committed to it. At some point in my youth, my mom wanted to make a jump over to a Southern Baptist church where some of…

  • Dilbert



    Scott Adams makes me laugh almost every time I read one of his comic strips. Laughing in a time like this has been critical for me. I have been reading Dilbert for a long, long time. He puts a fun spin on workplace environments and reminds me not to take things too seriously. I rarely…

  • Letter to My Wife



    I appreciate you. I don’t say that nearly enough. Appreciate is a commonly used word but I feel that it’s lost its true meaning: recognize the full worth of. This weekend, when we got the chance to talk between just the 2 of us (which is a rarity), I realized how much I take you…

  • Protected: Life



    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Minnie Mouse

    Minnie Mouse



    I remain in touch with one of the very first friends that I ever had. How many people can say that? We started “hanging out” in 1st grade, grew up together, went to separate colleges, were in each other’s weddings, and continue to stay in touch today (even though we live ~850 miles away from…

  • Tangrams




    I like puzzles that challenge me to think but also aren’t impossible to solve. Tangrams have that perfect balance of complexity. The tangram puzzle consists of 7 geometric pieces which are normally boxed in the shape of a square. The pieces, called “tans”, are used to create different patterns including animals, people, numbers, geometric shapes…