Author: Dad
Offer a Prayer
It’s been awhile since I’ve done a “Helping Hands” post, so I thought it would be a good time to do one. This entire week has been devoted to judging. Often times we find ourselves judging without even meaning to. As I wrote about yesterday, I think it’s ok to judge an action but not…
Did Jesus Really Tell Us Not To Judge Others?
As I said on Monday, I have been making extreme efforts not to judge anyone or anything lately. I felt like I was becoming very judgmental lately (even if it was just in my mind), and I felt like God was pushing me to take a look at what was happening. For me, I usually go…
Everyone Has Their Own Story
I have three “motto’s” that I try to live by. The one I will be talking about today is that everybody has their own story. This is a big one but is extremely critical for me to remember. It is one of those things that when forgotten about, can lead to very unfortunate events. Going…
Something that God has placed on my mind a lot lately is judging others. I have been trying extremely hard to eliminate any judgement in my life. It’s so easy to get caught up in what other people are doing (or not doing) that we forget how important it is to not judge others. …
Good Times Ahead
Once again, I would like to thank my guest writer for sharing their story. I love hearing what other people have to share, which was one of the main reasons I started this website. If it were up to me, I would have guest writers every day but unfortunately there aren’t enough volunteers for that.…
What Are You Sacrificing?
Yesterday (link), my guest author shared Abraham’s story about sacrifice. God calls us over and over throughout the Bible to sacrifice for Him. As humans, we make sacrifices all of the time. These sacrifices rarely ever get to the extent of Abraham’s but they are still sacrifices. Since sacrifice is a part of human…
Family Values
Yesterday (link) my guest writer wrote about family. ”Family” is a very tough topic for many people these days. Almost assuredly you know somebody that got divorced or somebodies parents that are divorced. Obviously there is no simple answer to keeping a marriage together. One thing that will forever stand out in my mind, is a picture of…
Beginning next week and continuing for 5 or 6 weeks, I have asked some readers to share their story. Some of them went through a difficult time and I asked them to share what got them through it, some of them are still going through a tough time, and some of them just had a…
Do Something You Love
My wife is awesome. She has such a good heart that it can’t help but to have an affect on those around her. One thing that she loves to do is bake. And the treats she makes me are DELICIOUS. One day we were sitting at the dinner table and she was reading the…
For those of you that have been reading this blog for awhile, you may have noticed that I push for openness, for honesty, to share both your current and your past struggles, not only on this website but also to your friends and families. With increasing pressure from the surrounding world to keep things to…
Amazing Grace
One of my absolute favorite songs is Amazing Grace. It’s a song that I don’t hear nearly enough. There is so much passion in the lyrics that you can feel the sorrow and resentment in every line. It’s very rare that you get to hear the story behind why a song was written, especially a song…
Love Somebody
Hopefully you got a few minutes this week to think about your church situation. There is no point in sticking to the same routine if it’s not doing anything beneficial in your Christian walk. If you decided to try out a new church, here are my suggestions/advice: Sometimes it will take a couple times…