Do Something You Love

My wife is awesome.  She has such a good heart that it can’t help but to have an affect on those around her.


One thing that she loves to do is bake.  And the treats she makes me are DELICIOUS.  One day we were sitting at the dinner table and she was reading the paper.  She came across an article about this 15 year old girl that delivers baked goods to elderly homes.  First off, think about what you were doing at the age of 15.  I definitely was not thinking about caring for elderly.  I’m pretty sure when I was 15, the world was all about me.  I had no concept of other people.  Which is why I’m terrified that kids can drive at 16 but that’s a whole other topic.  I was amazed that this 15 year old was able to bake, organize, and deliver all these treats to elderly people.  She couldn’t even drive so he had to have her parents drag her around to all these houses.  At that point, I would have just thought it was too much work and given up.  But she continued to do it.  She did it long enough that it got noticed by the Houston Chronicle.  It wasn’t like she just decided to call up the Chronicle and tell her that she was going to start baking for elderly people.  She put in the effort first and had no expectations of getting anything in return.


The second point I wanted to make was that my wife was so taken aback by this girl, that she decided to find out a way to get in touch with her.  Since Kacie likes to bake, she thought it would be a perfect way to use her talents to help someone else.  Soon enough, Kacie got her email address and was able to get in touch with the girl and she regularly bakes goods for her and then the girl delivers them.  Every time Kacie bakes something, the girl sends a nice hand written thank you card (something that almost nobody does anymore).


So if you get some time, think of something you love to do and try to find a way to use it to help others.  Here are a few examples:  maybe you love yard work, why not help out your neighbor next time they are outside raking up leaves?  Maybe you love playing music, why not play music at an elderly home?  Or maybe you love to read, so why not take the time to read to some children?  There are all kinds of ideas out there, you may just have to hunt for them.