
For those of you that have been reading this blog for awhile, you may have noticed that I push for openness, for honesty, to share both your current and your past struggles, not only on this website but also to your friends and families.  With increasing pressure from the surrounding world to keep things to yourself and act as if everything is peachy clean, I’m asking for the opposite.  In a world where school shootings, mall shootings, murders, theft, neglect, adultery, corruption, and almost every other sinful act literally dominate your tv sets, radio, magazines, newspapers, office talk, and every other form of media, I believe it puts increasing pressure on everyone to keep their problems to themselves.  You hear the talk and you see the news, you know that if you reveal your secrets, those same people will be talking about you.


So let me tell you why I feel God’s Grace is so important to me.


I personally knew two people that committed suicide and one person that died of a probable drug overdose.  These were all just kids but they chose to focus on things that brought their attention away from God.  They kept their problems hidden from the rest of the world and the questions  remain to this day on why they killed themselves.  There a million “what-if” questions that you have when someone so young loses their life.  But one question that will always stand out in my mind is “what if they would have leaned on God more?”  God can handle all of your troubles, he can take anything that you throw at him.  So what if they would have given everything to God instead of trying to handle everything themselves?  If only they would have opened up and shared their problems I like to think that they would all still be here today.


So even though you may not see the benefit by sharing your story, I promise you that somehow, someday, you will.  It’s unfathomable how many people may be going through the same situation that you could help.  For those of you that would like an example, I encourage you to read my confession:  A Single Confession…