Amazing Grace

One of my absolute favorite songs is Amazing Grace.  It’s a song that I don’t hear nearly enough.  There is so much passion in the lyrics that you can feel the sorrow and resentment in every line.   It’s very rare that you get to hear the story behind why a song was written, especially a song that has been around for literally hundreds of years.  The best explanation of the story behind Amazing Grace that I could find was told by Wintley Phipps in this youtube video:

direct link:


What Wintley fails to mention is that John Newton later went on to be a priest and assisted in the abolishment of slavery. To me, that just shows the passion he poured into writing this song.  He believed so much in God’s amazing grace that he allowed it to change his life.


So this week I encourage you to take a look at your life and ask Him for mercy.  Ask Him to show you His Amazing Grace. We have all done things to shift us from God’s original plan for us, but with His unconditional love we can repent from our sins and he can help us get on the right track again.