A Kind Act

This one will cost a little bit of money but hey, if you want some free ways of helping out, take a look (here) or add a comment.  This is kind of related to my tithing post (here) in that I don’t feel like you have to give 10% to a church every time you get paid.  Please read that post for a better understanding of what I’m getting at.


This is a fun one.


A couple of weeks ago I had just gone to Wal-mart and bought 2 giftcards that my wife needed.  On the drive home, I saw a car pulled over to the side of the road and they were in the process of putting on a spare tire.  I felt this incredible urge to pull over and give them one of those giftcards.  They were going through a rough time and probably needed a pick-me-up.  The car they were driving was older and a little broken down so (based on assumption), they probably could have used a little extra cash (but then again, who couldn’t).  But for selfish reasons, I didn’t pull over.  I kept driving thinking to myself that I just missed an opportunity.


A couple days later I didn’t have any giftcards, but I saw a guy running with his dog and he was carrying a bag of dog poop.  People in our neighborhood NEVER pick up after their dogs yet they love to walk them and they always seem to find our yard.  It drives me nuts so once again, I felt compelled to do something for this guy but I couldn’t think of what to do so I let him be on his way.


I decided that I should always carry something (probably a giftcard) on me and include a little note to saying “God Bless” or a Bible verse on it and give it people that are in situations similar to these, either in trouble or doing the right thing.