Bible Study Notes (Job)

Job 1-5

  • Lots of similarities between Noah and Job
  • Job 1:6 refers to angels as the sons of God, including satan.
  • God initiates a conversation with Satan about Job
  • Satan here means adversary, one who resists, accuser.  Many believe that Satan does not refer to a single being but a general term.  This could mean just a fallen angel.  Later there will be a specific reference to a fallen angel named Lucifer
  • In revelation, 1/3 of all angels created ended up rebelling.  
  • Satan created the plan to attack job and God allowed it
  • Job lost things twice from acts of men and twice from acts of nature
  • Is fire from heaven an old school way to refer to lightning?
  • In all of this, Job did not sin
  • Jobs friends sat with him in silence, but when they started to talk, they gave him bad counsel.  

Job 6-9

  • Where is my sin?
  • What can I own in this situation?
  • Our issues are sometimes just the result of a fallen world, not caused by our own doing
  • Mercy is when you don’t get what you deserve.  We all deserve hell and punishment.  
  • Grace is when you get what you don’t deserve.  We get to enter into a relationship with God despite our wickedness.  
  • God Shot
    • We see how powerful God is but he also steps down to be intimate with us

Job 10-13

  • Some stuff his friends say is true
  • Maybe Job’s friends jumped at blaming him because of their own insecurities.
  • His friends may have always been inferior to him and for the first time they were superior to him
  • God is the author even though he wasn’t the active agent
  • God Shot
    • God is our hope. Job says “though he slay me, I will hope in Him”

Job 14-16

  • My life will last the exact amount of time that God has determined
  • Job grieves and his friend thinks that’s a sign that Job doesn’t trust God. But even Jesus grieved and mourned.
  • God calls us to mourn with those who mourn, not to advise or condemn them
  • Job begins to doubt God and attributes all that is happening to him to God allowing Satan to do it
  • Sitting with someone else in suffering teaches us patience and compassion
  • God Shot
    • God is sovereign over a lifespan
  • Where does it feel like God is infringing on my life?

Job 17-37

  • I know that my redeemer lives
    • Points to the coming of Christ
  • So many of Job’s loved ones past away, yet his God lives
  • Satan did not kill Job’s friends and Job’s did more harm than good

Job 38-42

  • God waited a long time before he finally spoke to Job.
  • LORD is in all caps. He used his personal name (YHWY or Jehova)
  • Job didn’t repent
  • God didn’t answer any of Job’s questions
  • God reveals his power by describing who He is (creator, initiator, fulfiller according to His plan)
  • Probably reference to Jesus when He talks about the wild ox spending the night next to a manger
  • Job was sarcastic with his friends, God made a sarcastic remark to Job (you should know, for your days are great)
  • God doesn’t strike Job dead for questioning Him, instead he was patient