
What an amazing thing, being able to talk to God. Too often I take it for granted, I ignore God’s calling in Philippians 4:6-7

6 Do not [a]be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all [b]comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus

I believe I can do things on my own or I get so caught up in the task that I just plain forget about God.

Prayer also terrifies me. I have experienced too many times in my life the power of prayer. I feel that I’m not ready for what’s to come because of my prayer. If I ask God to align my path with His, I have no idea what will come my way but I know some change will come. And that change is where my fear lies.

Change can be hard and the older I get, the harder it can get. We recently loved half way across the country to Papillion Nebraska because we felt God was calling us here. This was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. I didn’t want to move. I loved Austin. But God made it clear He wanted us here.

The more I realized how powerful prayer was, the more scared I was to pray. So I started praying less or praying lightly. I found myself in a comfortable slump but God kept nudging me to talk more to Him. I realized there are so many aspects in my life that are completely out of my control but I was scared to turn over to God. So, I started doing some research on building habits, God spoke clearly that it’s not about the habit, it’s about trusting Him. Asking the path, I discovered an app called Prayerminder. There are plenty of prayer apps out there and I’ve used a few in my past and there are definitely some good ones you can use. Prayerminder has helped nudge me throughout the day to sell that relationship with God in all things. To reset my mind and remind me that He is in control and to make my requests known to God.

How is your prayer life today?