In God We Trust

In God We Trust (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.


The entire idea of Christianity revolves around having faith.  Faith that the Bible is real, faith that God is real, faith that we were meant to live a life specifically for Him.  So as a Christian, why is that so hard sometimes?


For those of you that have been reading my blog for the past couple of weeks, you know that my wife and I are in the process of moving.  Some of you have been through all of this before and know the stresses that come with that and some of you have never had to go through this.  It has been a very long time since I’ve had to “lean not on my own understanding” as the Bible verse above says.


This entire situation has made me realize how much of a control freak I really am.  It may not show on the outside very much but it tears me up on the inside.  I have to take time and play word games and puzzles just to completely take my mind off of everything.  Little by little I’m starting to give it to God.


Our biggest “hurdle” now is selling our house.  The situation with our house is on it’s way to becoming one of the the biggest blessing that Kacie and I have ever received.  If the deal works out, all I can say is that “it’s a God thing”.  Although Kacie and I would absolutely love to sell our house, we don’t want the buyer to purchase it for the wrong reasons.  So even though we are technically under contract, Kacie and I prayed that if this house is not right for the buyer, that God would just prevent him from buying it.  So far though, things have been going well.  They will be coming over Tuesday for the initial inspection.  If for whatever reason the deal does not go through, I will be severely disappointed but I will also know that it wasn’t right for him.