So….What Have You Done For Me Lately?

Often times we live out our lives based on the next big event happening.  We don’t live in the now and quite frankly, we miss many opportunities to connect with others and represent God because of it.


One thing that I try to do on this site is post “Helping Hands!”  They are designed to give people an idea of something they can start doing today in order to help others.


Today’s challenge is simple.  Take some time over the next week and chat with your neighbor.  Just talk to them.  Don’t have any meaning behind it.  You could offer them some cookies or brownies or something.  I think it’s easy to go out and do something nice for complete strangers but it’s much harder when you know that you will see them all the time.


Where my wife and I live now, we have one neighbor we chat with all of the time.  We have another neighbor that we rarely ever talk to.  They have a tree leaning over into our yard and since we were putting our house up for sale I wanted to ask them to get it removed.  I went over there with the sole purpose of asking them to take down the tree.  When I got over there, I ended up talking to the young man for about 25 minutes.  I learned so much about him in that time and it makes me feel bad that I didn’t take the time prior to this.  So long story short, if you have a neighbor that maybe you don’t know at all, spend 10 or 15 minutes next time you see them and just talk to them.  A good ice breaker is always a dessert!