Relying On God

I’ve mentioned in the past (quite a few times actually) how important I believe prayer is.  So with that, I wanted to share a quick little story about a couple of friends that I met down here in Texas.


My friends had been living fairly comfortable lives, they had good jobs, a nice house, great kids, and some extra spending money to give them some freedom to do as they pleased.  One day they started praying for God to just flip their lives so that they could focus on Him and His will for them.  Sure enough, God pulled through and the main provider for the family lost his job.  Panic started to set in.  The economy wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t great.  A couple of months passed by and he was working one off jobs that didn’t really provide that sense of security that we all love so much.  It was time for them to start making budget cuts in their own lives.  Less fancy foods, less social activities, and cutting costs wherever they could.


When put in a situation like losing job, you are forced to rely exclusively on yourselves or on God.  You can’t partially rely on yourself and partially on God.  This is exactly what God wanted for my friends.  He forced them into choosing.  You can continue to live the lives you are leading now or you can choose to follow me.


My friends continued to pray throughout the entire process.  Sure enough, God pulled through and was able to provide my friends with some great opportunities.  One of them is now working for our church and developing a whole new program almost completely backed by the church with some side jobs here and there for a little extra income.  The other one also works for the church but this opportunity has really allowed her to get more involved in the community and do things she is passionate about, all while trying to finish school.


This couple reassured my thoughts on just how powerful prayer can be.  Prayer doesn’t always lead to such dramatic situations but it can if you let it.


So my challenge for you is to begin praying about the little things in your lives.  See if God somehow manages to change those.  Once you’ve given that a try, go for the bigger things.  See if you are truly relying on God when he puts you to the test.