God Changes His Mind

One thing I have always found fascinating is that the God of the universe changes his mind.  The all powerful, all knowing God that created you can change his mind.  So how are we supposed to know his plan for us if he changes his mind?

My answer to that is simply prayer.  When you pray you are communicating with God.  The only way for us to truly know God’s plan for us is by talking to Him.  You can’t start a new job and expect to do things correctly without some of kind of guidance from a superior, without somebody seeing the bigger picture.  You shouldn’t grow up as a child without an adult showing you the correct path.  So we shouldn’t live our lives without reaching out to God.

Let’s just say that God has a master plan for me and a master plan for you.  Somewhere along those plans, you and I are meant to cross paths.  Maybe God wanted you to teach me something that I didn’t know.  But then one day I start heading down a different path, one that is not part of God’s master plan.  Since I strayed from the path, it is no longer an option for us to cross paths and for me to learn that very important trait that you were supposed to teach me.  Right then, God was forced to change his plan for me.  The same thing can happen if you then start following his plan again.  He can put new people in your lives to teach you new traits.  The reason I believe it is so important to stick as close to God’s plan as possible is that by doing so, you are enabling him to rely on you.