What Are You Sacrificing?

Yesterday (link), my guest author shared Abraham’s story about sacrifice.  God calls us over and over throughout the Bible to sacrifice for Him.


As humans, we make sacrifices all of the time.  These sacrifices rarely ever get to the extent of Abraham’s but they are still sacrifices.  Since sacrifice is a part of human nature, why is it so hard for us to sacrifice when it comes to God?


I could sit here and list all of the reasons why we chose not to sacrifice everything we are for God but that is something you will have to sit and think about on your own.  Each person will have their own reasons for not letting something go.


Right now, I personally have so many thoughts pulling me in different directions that I can’t determine what God wants me to sacrifice or who He wants me to sacrifice it for.  It’s been a constant prayer of mine for him to reveal “in plain english” what He wants me to be doing and where He wants me to be doing it.


This website was one of those things I felt called to do.  It has been a sacrifice of mine over the past 2 or 3 months and I have no ideahow long God is calling me to do this.  But to me, this is only a minor sacrifice.  It takes only a small percentage of my days and weeks to write these.


But before I started this website, I had barely made any sacrifices for God.  In almost every decision I’ve made, there was something in it for me.  But now that I’ve put myself out there and showed God that I am willing to make decisions for Him, I’m just waiting for Him to tell me my next steps.


So today I want to ask you,  WHAT ARE YOU SACRIFICING?