Sunday Song

Alright…so things got a little jumbled up this week and that left me with my Freebie Friday post on a Wednesday.  So today is Freebie Wednesday!

Given that this week is all about going to church, and church usually falls on a Sunday, I thought it would be fun to post a little song about my favorite restaurant.

I know people from all over the world read this blog (which is crazy to me) but for those of you that don’t know what Chick-Fil-A is, think of a McDonald’s but a million times better.  Chick-Fil-A is known for having a Christian founder and therefore, they are closed on Sundays to allow the employees to rest.

This post will have absolutely no benefit in your walk with God but I thought this was hilarious and that’s kind of the point of “Freebie Fridays“, to let me share whatever I want.

direct link:

Hope you enjoy, and just know that I share the same passion for the restaurant that the singer does.